Sunday, July 7, 2024

Life In Anonymity

 I exist in anonymity which is not exactly a bad thing. According to the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" and that would be Bacon himself, his life now sucks on account of his wanting to be just a "regular guy." So Bacon likes "celebrity" then doesn't like "celebrity" then doesn't like anonymity and it would seem Bacon is a mite confused about any number of things. His life is so complicated. Or not. Living on the outside fringe of outside, I find Bacon a bit of a whiner. A little recognition would be nice. However fame and fortune is what it is, graces willy nilly, waits until long after you've shoved off these mortal shores, and so it goes. Turns out I'm a bit like whiny Kevin Bacon except in some manner of reverse. Ah ... yes. Now it would be time for Sunday machined artware.

mescal -

islands -

bucolic -

island -

aye -

aerie -

farside -

metro shell -

okay and I shall cease and desist from pitching a man-fit. whiny whine whine ... pay attention to me .., 😐

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