Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Nostrodamos Says ...

 The ancient and sagacious Nostrodomos warned postmodern France about holding the 2024 Olympic Games and there are some folk that are surprised that Nostrodomos would even bother. Well the guy did bother and about the only people that are really bothered by Nostrodomos predictions would be Zionists and other 'yeah Israel' dumb ass types that tend to practice a lot of mouth breathing. Oh yes and most of the mouth breathers are in the United States Congress. Damn ugly ass collective of inbred yokels to say the least. The United States Congress. Anyway, Nostromodos predicted/warned postmodern France against hosting an Olympics that would allow the blood-soaked and genocidal Israelis participating in the 2024 games and Nostrodomos also predicted that France would suffer irreparable infrastructure damage on account of the Israelis being at the 2024 games. So there you have it directly from the pen of Nostrodomos the ancient and sagacious Parisian that had his thumb on the pulse of the mysterious workings of our universe. And of course the damn icky murderous rampage Israel is working on Palestinians at present. Now for Tuesday machine artware.

shiprock -

woods -

smith -

solitude -

potion -

ampule -

scowl -

core -

ordinarily prognosticators are mostly full of ... well ... you know ... bullshit. however in the case of Nostrodomos, the guy was really spot on and consistently. go figure ...😐

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