Wednesday, July 31, 2024

War Crimes And War Criminals

 The Nation of Israel is mired knee deep in Palestinian blood. The horror being wrought by Israel on Gaza and Palestinians, is indefensible. That horror is on a scale akin to the horrors wrought by Nazi Germany and the "holocaust" during WW2 the really big war. Israel's war crimes stand and comparisons to Nazi Germany are perfectly germane. Enough said. Now for Wednesday machined artwork and get Bubba to cue the camel.

archess -

androgyn -

tiny -

dancing -

mothra -

e kid -

zen -

paleo -

it does seem odd that much of our world turns the blind eye towards Israel and the heinous nature of their assault on Gaza. well ... more like shameful ... 😐

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Nostrodamos Says ...

 The ancient and sagacious Nostrodomos warned postmodern France about holding the 2024 Olympic Games and there are some folk that are surprised that Nostrodomos would even bother. Well the guy did bother and about the only people that are really bothered by Nostrodomos predictions would be Zionists and other 'yeah Israel' dumb ass types that tend to practice a lot of mouth breathing. Oh yes and most of the mouth breathers are in the United States Congress. Damn ugly ass collective of inbred yokels to say the least. The United States Congress. Anyway, Nostromodos predicted/warned postmodern France against hosting an Olympics that would allow the blood-soaked and genocidal Israelis participating in the 2024 games and Nostrodomos also predicted that France would suffer irreparable infrastructure damage on account of the Israelis being at the 2024 games. So there you have it directly from the pen of Nostrodomos the ancient and sagacious Parisian that had his thumb on the pulse of the mysterious workings of our universe. And of course the damn icky murderous rampage Israel is working on Palestinians at present. Now for Tuesday machine artware.

shiprock -

woods -

smith -

solitude -

potion -

ampule -

scowl -

core -

ordinarily prognosticators are mostly full of ... well ... you know ... bullshit. however in the case of Nostrodomos, the guy was really spot on and consistently. go figure ...😐

Monday, July 29, 2024

Trapped In Space

 So that jim dandy Boeing Starliner space capsule is going to be discarded from the ISS as the piece of junk can NOT return from space without a catastrophic failure and therefore roasting two NASA astronauts in the process. Two of NASA's astronauts are currently trapped in space aboard the ISS and can't find a ride back to Earth without some manner of intervention from none other than Elong Musk's Space X and in this instance, it's a good thing that NASA has at least one option available for bringing stranded astronauts back from space. Alive. It is also rather galling that NASA must turn to Space X for a rescue option. NASA has dumped a mountain of taxpayer money into this bullshit Boeing space junker and that in and of itself is cause for a legitimate investigation by Congress. What in the hell is NASA doing wasting taxpayer money on Boeing that has been mired in scandal and fraudulent business practice since moving the Boeing homeport from Seattle to Chicago? Boeing's move to Chicago is more than likely not the problem with Boeing. The real problem is with NASA and that sucks. Back in the day NASA was the go-to provider for all of America's space needs yet these days NASA is cancelling in the works science projects along with doing space business on the cheap that in the long run requires more damn money than would have been necessary had NASA been keeping important space projects in house. It is a national embarrassment that NASA is in the predicament it finds itself in at present. Elong Musk will now step in and save NASA's astronauts from certain demise and I suppose in this case, Musk is available for a rescue mission and grudgingly that is a good thing. Damn if that does not suck and suck large. Now for Monday machined artware.

ruins -

elevator -

mexxa -

unusual -

empty -

subway -

park -

hammer -

ISS to ground control ... Houston? we have a problem ...   maybe NASA should fund the development and construction of an earth to space elevator, floor 9442 please ... 😐

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Islands In A Slip Stream

 That is what we are and ... that's about all I've got for now. Trump told his evangelical minions they won't have to vote any more. Alrighty then, the evangelical thick shits have embraced their "antiChrist" and that pretty much is that. Dang if'n those christian rascals aren't about a wacky bunch. Hmmm ... probably more like batshit crazy. Now for Sunday machined artware and there you go.

shade -

tidal -

early -

orchard -

bike -

bitten -

seated -

being -

I think with trump instructing his minions about voting, well, that sounds an awful lot like treason with a side of sedition and I think that President Biden should snatch that fat freak up off the earth and ship his old ass off to Guantanamo Bay. there's a reason that Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta X-Ray or what the fuck ever they call that little slice of hell on earth these days has been kept open, it's for the likes of trump et al. 😏

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Even Still More


chimera -

statue -

alley -

lady -

scarab -

mite -

fairy -

scotty -

monet -

Saturday July 27, 2024 ... @ 11:10 a.m. PDT

No Debate For You

 In this 2024 presidential election campaign, with Joe Biden having stepped aside and opened the door for his Vice President Kamala Harris to run for president, well at the start of the current hoopla, Ms. Harris stated she would be open to holding a debate with trump. The dumb ass trump agreed readily to a debate with Ms. Harris and then ... and then ... trump insisted he would NOT debate Vice President Harris and so trump looks like he was played and played hard. SUCKER!!! Kamala Harris knew that trump wasn't about to hold a debate with her as the Veep would wipe a debate floor with trump. Mr. Whiney insists that any debate with Kamala Harris would be unfair to trump and so ... nah trump ain't about to embarrass hisself and there you go. It is more than obvious that trump is scared shitless of Kamala Harris and that will be to Ms. Harris' advantage as this "campaign" continues to drag on into the fall season and the first Tuesday in November. Yes that does indeed seem like a dang long ways off. Now for Saturday machined artware.

wills -

apparition -

empty -

galle -

wolf -

canid -

synapse -

parted -

I'm of the opinion that America needs to shorten ALL election campaign crap-o-la and disallow ALL campaign money that exceeds a cap on campaign money. The money nonsense, which was given a green light to uncork the money was by the Supreme Court. good lord all the campaign bullshit is tedious and insulting to the American people. America needs change and that change needs to start with congress then fix the Supreme Court. 😐

Friday, July 26, 2024

Iron Teeth

 "Scientists" have revealed that Komodo dragons have iron teeth. Really. A researcher from King's College London while studying Komodo dragon teeth noticed an orange coloration on the dragon's teeth and dismissed it. However on further study, researcher discovered the "orange coloration" is actually iron, hence the orange coloring also known as rust, and the iron is accoutrement from birth. Or hatch as the case may be. Those iron Komodo dragon teeth under study were no longer attached to the Komodo dragon. Bummer for the dragon no doubt. Here is a photag of those iron Komodo dragon teeth -

So the researcher guy also made notice of the detritus attached to the dragon teeth that play host to assorted toxic bacteria and shit like that there that causes the incident from dragon bite toxicity that results in death of the bitten. Dang if'n you don't hate it when that happens. Well, now our world knows not to be fucking with Komodo dragons AS if you get bit by the dragon and his iron teeth, well, you'll be in some serious hurt no doubt. Now for Friday machined artware.

smart -

atlantis -

love -

mah jung -

mound -

hilly -

spins -

festive -

did any reader know that there is a school of artistry known as "ashcan art" ... I didn't know that. art is after all whatever you can get away with. 😐