Friday, December 22, 2023

T'was The Friday Before Xmas

 T'was the Friday before Xmas and all through the land, mother was freaking out and dad was on the lam. Lam as used is the second usage listed in dictionary. Anyway, Friday will be a joy for retailers, a nightmare for Homeland Security, panic mode for parents that have waited until the very last minute, and more than likely a travel driving sensation. Personally, I'm not about to go anywhere that I absolutely do not have to go. Or visit. Or crap like that there. If people need to fly home for Xmas, well, good luck with that. Driving home for Xmas will be a joyous event behind the wheel. Or maybe not. If you've happened to overdose your credit card, fear not, the credit extending vultures will be more than happy to extend your credit for just a snidge longer. Heck, the statements won't come along before January 2024 so get out there and knock yourselves out. Rudy Giuliani just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and if that asshole can file a Chapter 11 for being fined and made to fork over about $150 million dollars, you can follow the example of Mr. Mayor and bankrupt the shit out of your homeworld. Oh won't the 2024 election cycle by one for the ages. So as we slither our way into the High Wholly Days of Xmas followed by New Year 2024, remember that nuclear war is only a pushed button away. Happy Holidays everyone and let's get started with some Friday machine art.

perspective -

rocky -

zero -

sucks don't it -

knight -

dance -

if the batman's joker can dance and smile the night away ... can't we all just do the same? 😐

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