Henry Kissinger is dead. About damn time. Kissinger was responsible for more death than just about any other "world leader" with the possible exception of Adolf Hitler and the Hitler gang of merry war criminals. If one happens to explore the horror of the Vietnam war, you'll discover that Kissinger was the brains behind the bombing of Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam, and of course Kissinger gave all the accolades to Richard Milhous Nixon. I remember the Vietnam war like it was almost yesterday. The Vietnam war stands as one of the single most war criminal idiocies the United States of America has EVER managed to bungle through. That's considering the latest American bungled war crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq. So Henry Kissinger lived to be 100 years old and that has got to be some kind of record for an un-indicted war criminal and I'm willing to bet that IF there's a god, heaven, hell, there'll be a special place for Kissinger with a hellish wing in basement hell. Henry the K was one satanically evil son of a bitch and only Dick 'darth' Cheney would be in the running for second place. Henry the 'K' is passed on from this mortal coil. A pity ... probably not.
Now it's time for Friday machine art and a hearty RIGHT FUCKING ON as the 'K' is dead and gone.
big wave -
pretty -
flagged -
sexy -
love -
riot -
vietnam, nixon, kissinger, ... adds an inordinate harshness to that "back in the day" theme. we had some fun ... then? 😐
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