On board the ISS, that's the International Space Station, astronauts have been experimenting growing edible plants. For food ... obviously. Anyway, an astronaut name of Francisco Rubio, was growing vegetables and Lt.Col. Rubio grew a tomato. Mr. Rubio is almost a full-bird colonel in the Army. According to the reporting on what is now an 'in-orbit' mystery, that aforementioned tomato went MIO. That's "missing in orbit." According to the "officials" involved with solving the mystery of the missing tomato, Lt.Col. Rubio "ate the damn tomato and his denials are suspect at best." You really can't blame the good Lt.Col., being in orbit onboard the ISS has got to be confining, a mite smelly, excessive amounts of 'down time', and at times dang boring. Lt.Col. Rubio spent a number of days over one year in orbit and a nice green salad with some ranch dressing must seem like a surreal fantasy. Can't be a getting no green salad with ranch dressing or whatever, while circling our Mother Earth about 250 miles overhead. The astronauts have been testing, read that as experimenting, growing plants that can be consumed in space. I can imagine that eating pre-packaged meal ready food day in and day out might get old pdq (that 'pdq' is acronym for pretty darn quick). Mmmm ... nothing says "mom's home cooking" like a space meal of mystery meat out of a tube. But and, Rubio's honesty is verified as actual and believable. Missing tomato lost in space is lost no more. Missing tomato is found onboard the ISS and the dang little rascal tomato had simply floated off to some mystery space on the ISS for the simple reason the tomato wanted to give its grower some grief. Lt.Col. Rubio has had to endure ribbing from his shipmates to the point of exhaustion. How might anyone have the temerity to doubt a Lt.Col. in service to the U.S. of A. and the Federation of Planets is almost absurd on the face of it. Francisco is a Lieutenant Colonel in Special Forces, a flight surgeon, a helicopter pilot as well as being an astronaut. Lt.Col. Rubio is owed a debt of gratitude from the American people for his service and bravery for a) not eating a tomato that he had grown himself and b) having the cajones to not take offense at being doubted over a missing in orbit tomato. Oh yes and that tomato was not quite in edible condition after being missing for eight months when finally found. So it seems fair to conclude that carbon-based lifeforms can shrivel and turn icky being 'LOST IN SPACE!' Now it's time for Sunday machine art.
boy and dog -
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the biden administration sidestepped congress by sending "tank ammunition" to israel without congressional authorization. that war criminal stunt happened on saturday. what'd ya know, president joe has committed "material support of terrorism" and in this instance biden has also committed support of israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people, israeli genocide of Palestinian people, and of course the ever popular war crimes and crimes against Palestinian people. FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN! WHY YOU WANT TO BE PART AND PARCEL TO MURDER?!? 😐
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