The secret can now be revealed, 'dark matter is hiding secrets'. Golly, did not see that coming. You know and on account of ... it was secret. Well now the cat or secret if you'd like, is out the dang bag and the scientific whiz kids are crowing as if their news were exciting and/or relevant. To anything pertinent in the daily lives of we usually out of the loop people. We regular fold that matter not a whit except when it comes time to pay taxes or gawk with mouths open wide and drooling as the science people "reveal important scientific discoveries" that do not and will not apply to any of we little nobody people. So gits ready kids to be shocked beyond the reaches of shock-dom ... the secret that 'dark matter' has been hiding low these millions of millennia, are you ready? Alrighty then here it is in hi-def 3D animatronic synthesized glory - the "eye of god." please to see the image inset -
So there you have it and the whizzish brainiac types that bring you stuff that might knock your socks off and leave the viewer almost breathless. A true and for reals 'dark matter secret' that is just now making the rounds in and around scientific circles. Please to note that the science guys (and gals) did not by design and wishing to avoid controversy, state categorically which of our Planets truly faithful might be able to claim ownership of this "eye of god" image. I seem to remember from my theology studies that some Moses guy warned the Hebrews about worship of images. (actually the "issue" was over an idol) That episode churned up a tabloid load of "issues" back then and continues to this very day. Yes, once upon a time I studied for the "ministry" and damn if that adventure didn't turn into one of the darker matters of my episodic existence. Not really important to this here screed and therefore the telling is mere filler. Now for Thursday machine art.
bo peep -
island -
freaks -
kakakaua -
war -
dreamer -
I can't for the life of me figure out why in hell the science folk get all riled up over crap that can't be proven. not scientifically and not yet. maybe in some future time frame where technology has caught up with the pedantic bullshit the crazy ass science kids are enamored with at present. hmmm ... I suppose that might leave me as 'aunty semantic'. get it? aunty semantic as anti-semantic? yeah, mostly lame and I admit that freely. 😐
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