Monday, December 20, 2021

SuperMan Grew Old And Died

 Yes my friends it's true. Tommy Terrific got old and lost his qb super powers. Dang and ain't that about a pity. The reigning world champions of NFL football, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Tommy Brady got they asses whooped by the New Orleans Football Saints on live television Sunday evening. That would have been December 19, 2021. First time Brady has been shut out since 2006. Super Tommy couldn't throw a touchdown to save his aging ass. Tampa Bay couldn't score and that is, as is said in football world, that. The hands of Father Time has put the touch on Brady and turns out Mr. Terrific is mortal after all. It was a glorious thing to watch. I don't really care for Tommy Terrific and I haven't paid too much attention to football this football season. Boring to be quite specific. The footballers are overpaid and mostly irrelevant in our sorely troubled world. Seems to me that if these steroid fueled human miscreants want to batter one another, well, they should do that battering on their own time and leave everyone else out of it. However Rome must have those gladiatorial games so let the bloodshed commence. Meaningless bullshit no doubt. Seeing Brady fail is one of the few things left to us that can be cherished and loved until the end of time and if things keep going like things are at present, won't be too long now. Besides, television entertainment was sorely lacking last night and doesn't that just about suck. So with a song on my heart and a joyous soul we'll move it on over to the machine art segment of today's program. Hey Brady? You suck! HA HA HA HAH!!!

canyon -

queer if not curiously so -

Brady, like donny 'boy' trump, must now face judgment. 😂

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