Sunday, December 19, 2021

More Deep Think

You don't own the money. None of it. You can certainly rent money but ownership is merely an illusion. The government owns the money. All the money. The government will rent money to you but, if you don't pay the rent, well, all options are off the table if you will. The government rents money to people and the people pay the rent in the form of taxes. To be perfectly clear on the matter, people really do not own anything. Not out right. People rent 'things' and pay the rent/taxes or else. Try skipping your taxes/rent due for awhile and you won't like how the government comes to collect back rent. Even the uber-rich have to pay rent/taxes. Granted, the uber-rich do not pay much in the way of rent/taxes but they do pay. Modestly at best. So give up those silly notions regarding money and pay up. Given that is especially annoying that the uber-rich can get over and you can't. Get over. That's the way America was founded. The rich gets, the lesser folk get squat, and the government provides the necessary supports for the upper rich to maintain status quo. Yes we are living that all American dream. Whatever. Machine art is next up on the very last Sunday before Xmas. Oh yeah, can't you just smell the bristle-toe. There might be NFL football today. There might be if the NFL teams can muster up enough non-Covid players to field teams. Could happen. Sorry, I seem to be getting away from the machine art segment. Apologies...

sam he am - -

so with all things being even, which they are not, you might get ahead just about the time you cack. 😵

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