Thursday, December 16, 2021

Nothing But Net

 It took the better part of an hour to remove the snow from the ole driveway. Damn snow was heap big deep. I got all my exercise for one week done in a little over an hour. Heap big deep! More snow is expected between now and Xmas so we've definitely something to look forward to. Oh...goody. We gots us a pile of snow but we didn't get any tornados so all things being considered and possibly equal, the snow ain't so bad after all. Machine art is next up on our chart topping biggest hits of 2021, so enjoy. And/or whatever.

universally -

tom toe -

the really fun part of contributing to the world wide web would be that none of anything has to make sense. just about most of the crap posted on the old www makes no sense so we're keeping in good company. 👤

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