Thursday, December 2, 2021

Frogbots And Self-Firing Guns

 Yes my friends this here Thursday is simply loaded with news you can use. Scientists have created a single cell frog robot that can self-replicate. Isn't that just marvelous? Why it most certainly is. Won't be so very long and the dang single cell frogbots will be able to evolve into multi-cellular bots and 'terminator' here we come. Why in hell scientists would want to create a single celled frogbot has for the moment gone unexplained. Frogbots? Whatever. In other incredibly strange news, Alex Baldwin claims he did NOT pull the trigger of the gun that killed that cinematographer lady. Nope. The dang pistole fired itself. That could certainly go a long ways towards proving claims of self defense in murder trials. So what Baldwin was holding was a genuine new and improved gun that can self-fire. Wow is that about some exciting news or what. Gun nuts all across America can now go out and get themselves a self-firing gun and save themselves the time it takes to actually pull a trigger. However, I do have several and possibly germane questions to be asked about a gun that fires itself. Do guns that fire themselves pose a risk to customers at a gun shop? I mean suppose that Jed Clampshit and son Junior Clampshit wander into their local and neighborhood gun store and the guns on display start to fire at random. Would Jeb and Junior duck and cover? Run screaming from the gun shop and then and only then call 911? Demand to know what brand of firearm is self-firing and want to be placed on a purchasing list on account of the self-firing guns are on backorder? Purchase one of those self-firing pistols and take one home to his missus so she can have the surprise of her life? Does Junior Clampshit take his self-firing gun to school and simply leave it in his school locker to add some excitement to hall patrol? The defense lawyers hired by that school shooter kid's family in Michigan just got their 'A' material for the kid's defense at trial. Michigan is planning on charging the little freak with not only murder in the first but terrorism as well. That kid is gonna need to get his trial moved to Wisconsin. He'd be able to get off scot-free no doubt. Wisconsin is having some "issues" at present with murder trials and dumb ass children using guns and rifles to kill people. An entirely separate discussion. So there are just several of the highlights from today's news. Plus, the Supremes are gonna undo Roe v Wade and won't that just spark a shitstorm of epic proportions. The Supremes undo Roe v Wade and that could very well be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Evidently straws can break a camel's back but I remain skeptical and I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm of the opinion that women in these here United States of My Body My Choice are gonna go ballistic should the Supremes deliver for conservatives. Won't that be a joy to witness. Okay and so that will cover things for now. Machine art is...NEXT!

cedar waxwing -

far far off -

I'm not sure that Baldwin can get away with his claim the "gun fired itself." seems worlds of fishy if not outright stupid. Baldwin's lawyer may have made him say that. 😆

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