Monday, March 29, 2021

To Be Or Not To Let Be

 And there you have the quantum if not antithetical question of our time. Is it better to have existentialed or is it better to have ordered the double cheeseburger? Who knows and one answer might sound just as stupid as any other answer that might sound stupid. You can pick one but not the other. Yes my friends, I've got nothing for a Monday and so...prattle I will. Did you know that the trump is still whining about losing the election back in November of 2020? Well he is and talk about thrashing a dead horse. Trump needs a sound trashing but not any poor damn dead horse. Did you know that Amerika's BLM routinely beats on dead horses? Well they do. You see ranchers and the Bundy klan gripe almost around the clock at the BLM over wild horses grazing on open BLM rangeland. The wild horses can do that, the horses have been grazing on open rangeland since before any screwy dang white people showed up to fuck up the open rangeland and gripe to the BLM about the wild horses. Anyway the BLM routinely rounds up the wild horses and attempts to auction the horses off to the general public. Problem is, the "general public" that shows up to the BLM auctions are pet food producers and they claim the bulk of auctioned off wild horses. Bet you didn't know that you're feeding your pets wild horse meat. That's not chicken in the Kibbles. Yes life is quite fair for the pet food producers and trump supporters if not trump's crazy-ass self. As for wild horses, well, the future isn't so bright or fairy tale-like. Zane Grey where are you when we need you. Time for the machine art and leaving the harsh news about wild horses behind. Oh get it? I made the comedy. Wild horses behind? That's funny. Cruel but, funny. :/

surreal rug not made of horse hair -

day at a beach with no wild horses -

this the last week of March is off to a great start. or whatever...

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