March 20, 2021 and it's the first day of spring. The 'vernal equinox' has made it to the northern hemisphere and it's about dang time. Greeny little plant things are sticking their greeny little heads out of the dirt and won't be too very long and the flowers will be springing out all over the place. The 'vernal equinox' happens when the earth's axial tilt sways the planet so that the sun appears to be right smack in the middle of the old horizon and much of this would depend on where you might stand on this fine first day of spring anywhere in the northern hemisphere. The same effect would happen in a southern hemisphere of planet earth only in sort of a reverse 'vernal equinox' and that would be kindly referred to as a southern hemisphere autumnal equinox. Of course and depending on one's cultural proximity and actual physical proximity in a southern hemisphere, well, the event may in fact be referred to as something entirely different. All of the preceding is according to meteorological protocols. Okay and so with all the 'splainin' out of the way, I'll move on to an actual point of this here diatribe. It was 44 years ago that Salt Lake City held a first of it's kind "Dance Of The Vernal Equinox" in Salt Lake. Yup and dang if'n time doesn't just about fly when one is having fun. The dance which was actually a concert, was held at the Utah Fairgrounds in the Coliseum Building and the "dance" featured Buffalo Springfield, the Youngbloods, H.P. Lovecraft, and some other stuff I can't really remember on account of the passing of a dang lot of years. Wait, I should probably google that and check my memory...hang on for about a minute or so while I do the google dance of the Vernal Equinox...back momentarily. Okay and so after a through googling of the google thingy, the 'Dance Of The Vernal Equinox' was held on March 30, 1968 and was exactly ten days after the official and meteorological vernal equinox. Scheduling 'issues' I could imagine and after this long, I'm guessing. Anyway, me and some buddies of mine managed to sneak into the Coliseum just in time to catch H.P. Lovecraft doing their set. Back in the day, H.P. Lovecraft was a fairly decent band and I even had a couple of their albums. I don't have any their albums these days. In fact I don't have any vinyl records from back in the day and that sort of sucks on account of a few of those albums are worth some serious money these days. So we can conclude here that time passes really really quickly. A functional memory isn't quite what I think I thought it was. ??? Buffalo Springfield is gone. The Youngbloods are gone. H.P. Lovecraft the band is gone. H.P. Lovecraft the author is hanging in there nicely after all these years and his stories are still as creepy as I seem to remember. Every last member of every band listed here is in that aging rocker category. So am I. However I am not a rocker. Not officially and that's okay as I'm still standing and I have most of my wits, I think so anyway, and thank god for Google. Enough tripping down memory lane and here's some machine art without any aging. Getting old isn't really all it's cracked up to be and the "golden years" are more bullshit than anything else.
surreal butterfly and some dang thing -
differing perspective -
a final remark to any young folk that might be having a look, a lifetime will go by so goddamn fast you simply won't believe it. Don't waste a minute... :]
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