So here we are at the very last Wednesday in March 2021. There might not be another last Wednesday in March 2021...ever. That is a distinct probability. That also eliminates the need to chime in with that ever so inane 'Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it' schtick and yeah that was possibly getting old. It's a goody but an oldy. So March is over and done and today's glaring headlines are about Matt Gaetz being investigated for having sex with a minor. The guy is certainly acting as if the allegations are true. I don't know and I really don't want to know any if not none of the ugly details. Yikes and allegations of sex with an underage minor provoke some serious church lady condemnations. Had Gaetz been having sex with an underage dolphin, well, no big deal. Best to just take your weight and move on. You know, after the heat dies down and you get yourself registered on that sex offenders list. Yikes... and yes Amerika is uptight and puritanical over any number of issues. With the exception of guns. Guns are a god given right for Amerikans and mass murder is another god given right granted to Amerikans on account of sex headlines aren't as popular as are mass murder headlines. Blood and gore makes for better reading than sexed up headlines and politicians. Oh yes, that Gaetz guy is a republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Uh-oh, that's some trouble there boy. Or girl. Whatever. So given the number of boring news stories and primetime media talking heads without anything sensational to prattle on about, the next senseless mass murder will occur about tomorrow at this time so stay the hell away from Walmart or Ralph's or Krogers or Sam's Sooper Mart or anywhere that innocent people will gather while going about their daily business. Why is it that anytime there's a mass shooting with that accompanying dead people motif and there is not one of those carry yer guns in public clowns and/or Second Amendment apostles around to fend off the mass shooter? Any number of pedophile politicians will carry on about how having a loaded Glock on your hip will save a day filled with mass shootings that will happen whether some bozo is carrying a loaded Glock or whatever. Shameless in Guntown. Yeah... now it's time for the last Wednesday in March 2021's machine art. There will be no explicit images of naked minors or gratuitous sexed up text messages. Nope.
intrusive -
woods can be a good place to hide out -
tomorrow is April Fools Day...hold on to your butts everybody... :]