Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Even

 There's wildfire burning in Boulder, Colorado. Yup and on Sunday December 26th of this year's soon to be over, in Kodiak, Alaska the ambient air temperature was 67 degrees and that is Fahrenheit and screw those Euro celsius temps. The wildfire burning in Boulder has burned through a whole lot of homes and the fire took out a hotel and a shopping center. There's been very little snow in Colorado so far this rapidly waning year. Hurry up 2022 cause 2021 has really sucked and sucked large. So as the year closes in a raging firestorm, let's hope the new year starts off quietly. Climate change is real and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Humanity is screwed. Happy New Year and now for some machine art.

between lines -

porcupine -

be careful out there on this here New Year's Eve...damn dangerous to be out and about. 😬

Thursday, December 30, 2021

It's Over More Or Less

 We had us some fun...didn't we? 2021. It's over and done is done. Last day of 2021 is tomorrow and I could suppose we made it through. Seemed like things were touch and go for a while there but, humanity managed to kick the can down the road a ways. For now. Given all the fun we had in 2021, 2022 should be a real thriller. America is poised for another election year and damn if'n all the election bullshit seems to never end. It doesn't. Not really. An endless feedback loop of an extremely expensive charade. So it seems ain't not much can be done about that so we all might as well ignore the nonsense and carry on. Or carry over. Or Carrie Underwood. Whatever. Isn't the Underwood woman married to Garth Brooks? Wait, maybe it's the Yearwood woman that's married to Yukon's very own Garth Brooks. I don't know. I think that overall, I really don't care. I don't really care for 'country music'. I think the names posted prior to this are 'country music' stars. Or whatever. Okay and so with this year being added to the books, here's some machine art. That's what's important. is.

moose -

mothrah -

gosh Mr. Bullwinkle, where are you now that we need you? 😳

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Can You?

 Can you give me



machine art is next...

one of these things is not like the other -

running -

brevity provides longevity? I don't really know that. not for certain. 😎

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

It Lives!!!

 Somehow or some way...the keyboard is back and functional. Couldn't really say what the hell happened but...IT LIVES! Oh happy day oh joyous fingers tripping the light fantastic over the keys and it must be some kind of X-mas miracle. Yes, that must be it. Hallelujah nonetheless. We's back in the typing business and just as soon as I can figure out something to keyboard about, well, things might just get back to some semblance of normal? Yippee! And now for some machine art.

poseur -

wet -

now if I can just figure out how to get rid of these annoying blue box thingies...πŸ˜‘

Monday, December 27, 2021

SO...DANG...ANNOYING!! G'dang...this...SUCKS!!!


defeat- 😩

Sunday, December 26, 2021






Friday, December 24, 2021

Here It Is

 X-mas Eve. Made it. To think it only took 357 days to get here. Here's wishing anyone interested a very happy if not merry Christmas and with a little bit of luck, a happy New Year. 2022. Dang and if'n time don't about fly when we's having us some fun. We're having us some fun now. Sure we are. So for one day forget about the Covid and all those nasty and killer variants. Just forget about all the bullshit humanity must endure on a daily basis. Think about your family and friends (that is IF you have any) and leave a plate of cookies for the Claus intruder. Machine art is next.

gardens of earthly delights -

an egg abstract -

we'll check back in tomorrow and see if'n everyone got all they wanted from the Claus dude. πŸ˜‚

Thursday, December 23, 2021

It Came To Pass On The Day Before...

 So it came to pass on the day before the day before the night before Xmas, the United States Army claims to have perfected a vaccine for all the Covid-19's and the numerous Covid variants that currently plague our shared humanity. Killing a boat load of folk too. So why, you may very well ask, would the United States Army perfect a vaccine to prevent the Covids from crippling if not killing a boat load of folk? Answer is really quite simple. The United States Army wants to insure that there are enough health young bodies kicking around on the old home ground to fight the next war. Oh yes, the next war is a coming and you'd better believe that. Believing in Santa Claus is one thing, believing in the next war is simply being better prepared for the inevitable. The United States Army insists this new vaccine is good against all COVIDS & SARS variants. Wow is that about some good news or what. The article is posted on the Defense One webpage and dated December 21, 2021 with an update on December 22nd of this here year. So...with war looming just over the horizon with Russia and/or China, well, the United States Army can't be having a load of potential battle recruits laying around all sick and dying. Can't be a fielding an army if'n there ain't no bodies to actually fight and die. You see? So when push comes to shove, the anti-vaxxers will probably be the first to get inducted and go off to die and yes there will be 'induction' which is cutesy for the "draft." 18 year old American men still have to register for the draft. America hasn't held a draft for a long time BUT, and nevertheless, America is still to this very day registering all those able-bodied 18 year old guys that are simply too dang ignorant to realize what that registration means. In practical application of course. Bye bye 18 year old American guys, are you ever in for one dang spiffy surprise. Oh yeah. I still remember with some foggy fondness how thrilled I was to get my draft notice. Oh yeah...thrilled. So all you young guys, get ready for the surprise of a lifetime. If you youngsters haven't been paying too much attention to the news of late, I would suggest that you get yourselves up to speed on current events. You might be able to use your handheld devices to bring you relevant details about what may be coming and I'm NOT talking about Santa. Oh yes and you might could google up the Defense One webpage for very specific details about that all inclusive COVID & SARS vaccine. may want to bug out to Canada and that is IF Canada will allow a rather large swarm of draft evading young guys into Canada. But then there's always Sweden which was, back in the day, an option when Canada turned up a "you are not welcome" For nostalgias sake, google up County Joe and the Fish's 'I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag'. That was an anthem back in the good old days. The tune has become quite prescient for these troubled times. Okay and so with Xmas just about upon us all, it's now time for machine art. Just like that.

garabaldette -

agony -

agony is what any number of young guys will be feeling when the war shit hits the fan. SPLAT!!! 😁

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Brevity Is Key

 Verse for Wednesday December 22, 2021. Mere days away from that really big BIG day everyone is waiting on. Or for...whatever -

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

if gun violence don't get ya

the omicron must

the end

now for some machine art and it's always best to strike while an iron is hot. just don't burn your fingers. or face. or whatever in hell you may be ironing.

yosymmetry -

whatever in hell this might be -

brevity is a good thing when making political speech. however brevity might not be such a good thing when making jiggy with your lover. no doubt. 😫

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Dining With Cannibals

An excerpt from Scientific American Magazine - An article titled, 'Humans Are Doomed To Go Extinct' by Henry Gee and dated November 30, 2021 - -

"I suspect that the human population is set not just for shrinkage but collapse - and soon. To paraphrase Tom Lehrer, if we are going to write about human extinction, we'd better start writing now."

So, humanity will either go extinct or fade to black and vanish. However and before any of that happens, humans will indulge in your basic cannibalism simply for kicks and/or something to eat.

Dateline... Clark Fork, Idaho (that's in the Idaho panhandle way up north) ...

The Bonner County Sheriff's Office began investigating one James David Russell, age 39, on September 10, 2021 after finding the body of David Flaget, age 70, in a rural area near Clark Fork. Russell is charged with felony first degree murder AND felony cannibalism in an amended criminal complaint filed Wednesday September 13, 2021. The big breaking news hit the national news Monday December 20, 2021. I could not tell you why the wait. Anyway...

Witnesses reported seeing the body of the old guy, who happened to be the caretaker of the Russell family property, in a truck and suspected Russell had killed Flaget. (t'was the sheriff that did the suspecting.) Sheriff deputies obtained a search warrant for the Russell property and found the Russell suspect wearing gloves and running into a building where a brief standoff ended with deputies taking Russell into custody. Deputies then went to Flaget's truck and found the old guy's body awkwardly positioned in the passenger seat. The Flaget guy's wrists were bound with duct tape and a section of his thigh and "other body parts" were cut off and missing. Apparently the old guys parts were removed after he was cacked by Russell. Sheriff report does not mention what "parts" were missing.

Following day, investigators searched the inside of the Russell home and found blood and tissue in a bowl inside a microwave. The discovered tissue was consistent with Flaget's missing flesh. The tissue indicated microwave heat had been applied for one or two minutes.

Witnesses reported that on the day of Flaget's killing, Russell had been acting strange. No doubt. Russell had been in a California 'hospital' receiving psychiatric help, stated in documents dated from May of this year? The date of any actual California 'hospital' psychiatric help is not reported. Anyway, the Russell dude had been munching on parts of Flaget and dang if that ain't about highly suspicious if not out right creepy as hell. The Russell guy is, in basic terms, straight up batshit insane and psychotically so.

credit goes to East Idaho News for many of the details to this weird shit story.

Bottom line would be...holy freaking long pork...humanity is in way over our collected heads. So if the Russell dude had made cheese out of the dead guy's head, would that be like Norwegian head cheese? Machine art is next up. With all body parts alive and well. 

kogi -

turn -

did the Russell guy serve fava beans and a fine chianti with that long pork? we may never know. 😬

Monday, December 20, 2021

SuperMan Grew Old And Died

 Yes my friends it's true. Tommy Terrific got old and lost his qb super powers. Dang and ain't that about a pity. The reigning world champions of NFL football, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Tommy Brady got they asses whooped by the New Orleans Football Saints on live television Sunday evening. That would have been December 19, 2021. First time Brady has been shut out since 2006. Super Tommy couldn't throw a touchdown to save his aging ass. Tampa Bay couldn't score and that is, as is said in football world, that. The hands of Father Time has put the touch on Brady and turns out Mr. Terrific is mortal after all. It was a glorious thing to watch. I don't really care for Tommy Terrific and I haven't paid too much attention to football this football season. Boring to be quite specific. The footballers are overpaid and mostly irrelevant in our sorely troubled world. Seems to me that if these steroid fueled human miscreants want to batter one another, well, they should do that battering on their own time and leave everyone else out of it. However Rome must have those gladiatorial games so let the bloodshed commence. Meaningless bullshit no doubt. Seeing Brady fail is one of the few things left to us that can be cherished and loved until the end of time and if things keep going like things are at present, won't be too long now. Besides, television entertainment was sorely lacking last night and doesn't that just about suck. So with a song on my heart and a joyous soul we'll move it on over to the machine art segment of today's program. Hey Brady? You suck! HA HA HA HAH!!!

canyon -

queer if not curiously so -

Brady, like donny 'boy' trump, must now face judgment. πŸ˜‚

Sunday, December 19, 2021

More Deep Think

You don't own the money. None of it. You can certainly rent money but ownership is merely an illusion. The government owns the money. All the money. The government will rent money to you but, if you don't pay the rent, well, all options are off the table if you will. The government rents money to people and the people pay the rent in the form of taxes. To be perfectly clear on the matter, people really do not own anything. Not out right. People rent 'things' and pay the rent/taxes or else. Try skipping your taxes/rent due for awhile and you won't like how the government comes to collect back rent. Even the uber-rich have to pay rent/taxes. Granted, the uber-rich do not pay much in the way of rent/taxes but they do pay. Modestly at best. So give up those silly notions regarding money and pay up. Given that is especially annoying that the uber-rich can get over and you can't. Get over. That's the way America was founded. The rich gets, the lesser folk get squat, and the government provides the necessary supports for the upper rich to maintain status quo. Yes we are living that all American dream. Whatever. Machine art is next up on the very last Sunday before Xmas. Oh yeah, can't you just smell the bristle-toe. There might be NFL football today. There might be if the NFL teams can muster up enough non-Covid players to field teams. Could happen. Sorry, I seem to be getting away from the machine art segment. Apologies...

sam he am - -

so with all things being even, which they are not, you might get ahead just about the time you cack. 😡

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Deep Think

I like to think about stuff. Really really deep stuff. So...if you divide infinity by two, well, you end up with half an infinity. However half an infinity is not the same as a split infinitive. So there you go, really really deep stuff. Today marks the beginning of the end of 'shop-o-rama' for Xmas. Not counting today, there are only six, yes count them, six shopping days until Xmas. So get up off those couches and get out there and shop! Besides the NFL postponed Saturday's football games until some future date. Dang Covid-19 you see. In an almost unrelated note, the CDC announced in a late afternoon press release that the next Covid variant will be named the 'LGBTQRSUVWX no Y and Z variant'. You see the CDC is running out of letters to name all the Covid variants running amok in/on/and/around Planet Earth so pretty dang soon the CDC will start using proper names for the Covid variants. The CDC also announced late Friday afternoon that the next name to be used on the variants after they've run out of letters will be Philippine surnames. First name to be used by the CDC on Covid variants will be the "Duterte Variant." Dutente is famously known for killing suspected drug mobsters. That should not be associated with drug lobsters. In the grate State of Maine, you can still have lobster with drug lobster sauce. However you still can't have lobster with drug mobster sauce. Tip of the hat to Dr. Sheldon Cooper. He won a Nobel Prize for Physics. Along with his wife Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. By the way, Ms. Amy is doing a great job as host of Jeopardy. Saturday's Machine Art is next. Not to be confused with 'Saturday's Voyeur'. You can google the Sat/Voy title. for further illumination. In keeping with our Saturday tradition, it's better to be fully illuminated than half illuminated. Better still would 'illuminated From Within'. Google it.

zona side (you had to have been there) -

 mushy mushy -

did you know that Vlad the Putin warned off NATO about getting stupid over Ukraine? Yup the Putin did. He informed NATO that Europe runs the risk of "full scale conflict" IF the Euros try interfering with Russia after Russia invades the Ukraine. Back to the USSR y'alls. Yikes!!! πŸ’₯😟

Friday, December 17, 2021

Almost But Not Quite

 Today is almost the last shopping Friday before Xmas. Almost but not quite. There is still Xmas Eve and that's a Friday and stores and all other retailers will be open until 8:00 p.m. local time. So not counting today, there are exactly 7, yes count them, 7 more shopping days until the really big holiday everyone's a waiting for. Xmas! Oh yippee and gadzxooks. Yes the 'gadzxooks' word is spelled correctly. I used spell check. I use spell check periodically. Sometimes. Anyway we seem to be drifting off topic. The topic for today would Don't be one of those lazy ass Americans, get out there and shop. Shop until your credit card hurts. Don't worry about notifications, your bank will take care of any notices that indicate you may have exceeded your credit limit. Not to worry though, the bank will allow your overcharges but you'll have to pay a penalty for that. Banks and credit card companies never miss any chance to charge you for some bullshit or some other bullshit. And please don't forget that shopping for Xmas is what the holiday is all about. Just think, a way way way back in a day, Mary and Joseph wandered into a manger so's they could wrap their Baby Visa Card in swaddling clothes and wait for Herrod to butcher off all the other Baby Visa Cards so's there wouldn't be so much interference with the work at hand. XMAS!!! Got to love that Xmas holiday. Or not. Probably not so many of the Jewish persuasion care about Xmas. Well and maybe Mooselims. Oh right, and Hindus and Buddhists and Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and...gosh this could go on for a while. So rather than proving a tedious trending, we'll skip on over to today's machine art.

life in imaginary fish tank -

welcome to the bloomtown -

lights, cameras, actionable search warrants and leave us pity Alec Baldwin. Or not. 😁

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Nothing But Net

 It took the better part of an hour to remove the snow from the ole driveway. Damn snow was heap big deep. I got all my exercise for one week done in a little over an hour. Heap big deep! More snow is expected between now and Xmas so we've definitely something to look forward to. Oh...goody. We gots us a pile of snow but we didn't get any tornados so all things being considered and possibly equal, the snow ain't so bad after all. Machine art is next up on our chart topping biggest hits of 2021, so enjoy. And/or whatever.

universally -

tom toe -

the really fun part of contributing to the world wide web would be that none of anything has to make sense. just about most of the crap posted on the old www makes no sense so we're keeping in good company. πŸ‘€

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It's Not Humpday...

 It's SNOW DAY!!! We gots us a pile 'o' snow and it's deep too. Oh well ain't not about a dang thing can be done about that. Well...except it's time to break out the snowblower. So for now and until we meet again...SNOW! SNOW! MORE SNOW!!! Machine art comes first. Of course.

you make me dizzy Ms Ditzy -

also rises -

snowblowers are a boon for mankind. 😡

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

More Kindness Tuesday

 In keeping with the holiday season, here's more kindness thinking. After all, this is THE season for kindness and giving and kindness and spending and kindness and football and on if not on ad infinitum. Kindness. So...understanding that there are NO stupid questions, there are any number of stupid people that ask questions. Okay and so having googled up the solution to the 12 Days of Christmas conundrum, it can now be told that December 25 of any year is the actual and for reals 'first day' of Christmas. Some theological mathematics thing. Jesus having actually being born in April and with some theological tinkering with the numbers, well turns out Jesus is magically born in December. It all boils down to some theological tinkering with the Lucky Charms. As we all know, Lucky Charms are for children and Trix aren't for the screwy dang rabbit. So and in conclusion, Christmas just like children's breakfast cereal is all in the theological bending of space/time history. Well and some thoroughly unsubstantiated church history. Learning new things is an absolute kindness thing. Machine art is next. For this years 'twelve days of' crap-o-la I plan to prattle on with gusto. You don't need kindness to prattle. Nope. Just some screwy imagination thingies with mobster sauce. Prattle. See?

stretch -

dappy dook -

and for Craig Ferguson, here's wishing you a merry Blithe Yule. πŸ˜‹ yummy haggis...

Monday, December 13, 2021

Kindness Monday

 Almost Christmas and here's some kind thoughts for the season of giving to retailers. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow. Isn't that kind? Well it would seem so. Wouldn't it be nice if donald trump were to fuck off and die? Why yes it would. Kind thoughts for a getting closer to Christmas Monday. Machine art is next.

walk -

a wiz - starts the twelve days of Xmas. well go figure...😲

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Twelve Twelve

 Tornados can be a real killer. No doubt. However tornados in December seem strange to say the least. Tornado action in December could very well be the result of climate change. Yeah, could be. Tornados in December also indicate that the results of climate change are here to stay. Well, maybe not stay, it would be more like here to rip the bejeepers out of the South and Midwest. The tornados that kicked off the weekend were damn nasty and without mercy. It seems that these ugly weather systems are now part of the everyday fabric of life as we know it. Might be a good idea to get the people moved out of the South and Midwest. Maybe. Of course all of the disaster in Kentucky could be "god's judgment" for Mitch McConnell. Maybe. We may never know. Probably. Okay and with the Sunday prattle out of the way we'll move on to the really important Sunday crap and that would be of course, machine art. Totally.

look and ye shall see -

green green it's green they say -

and Dorothy said, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." excerpt taken from the Chronicles of Skeets VerStrappen. 😎

Saturday, December 11, 2021


 Donny the trump gave Binyamin Netanyahu the old middle finger. Actually, what trump said was "fuck him." Trump speaking about Netanyahu. Netanyahu was at the time of the trump insult, the Prime Minister of Israel. If you happened to have followed any of the bullshit following the January 6, 2021 insurrection and riot in the U.S. Capitol Building that just so happened to be the day Congress approved the presidential voting returns from the November 2020 election...take breath here...and trump went apeshit, well, trump took his vitriol out on Israel's Bibi. Which is more than a little curious as trump claims to have bent himself over backwards to play nice with Israel and Bibi in particular. The trump claims that Netanyahu was "disloyal." Judas, trump is about one whiney if not petulant child. Whiney trump might not want to piss off the Jews. You see, Jews hold most of our world's money and that being the case in the U.S. or so the story goes. This is NOT criticism of Jews or their finesse regarding banking or the accumulation of wealth. I simply find it absolutely hysterically funny that trump would take his ire out on Netanyahu. Trump's being pissed off at Israel's Netanyahu for trump losing the 2020 presidential election is more than a little insane. Trump is for all the world to see, straight up batshit insane. So now trump is holed up in his swamp of a golf course. Mar-a-Lago? I really don't care what the place is called. It's trump's prison and that about says it all. The insipid fucker needs to be locked up in a federal maximum security prison. OR better still would be trump having to face a military firing squad for convictions on counts of treason, insurrection, inciting a riot, fraud, lying to Congress and the American people, infidelity, pedophilia, and spawning a collection of some of the stupidest children our world has ever had to witness. Damn the guy is an idiot. Why isn't the trump in prison yet??? Okay and enough of that. Time for some machine art and prayers of thanksgiving that trump is out of the Oval Office.

really large plate or charger -

mad -

street art is a joy to discover. even when that street art is anime... πŸ˜ƒ

Friday, December 10, 2021

Whitey McWhitey Face

 Wikileaks champion and leak publisher extradinoire, that would be Julian Assange, is being extradited to the U.S.. Assange had been holed up in an Ecuadorian Embassy in London, the U.K.. Well the Ecuadorian Embassy folk got pretty tired of Whitey the sponge being holed up in their embassy and the embassy folk turned him over to London Metro P.D.. Well doesn't that just suck. I mean really. Sucks for Assange. So the Metro P.D. had been holding on to McWhitey Face while the British legal system decided what to do with his holed up ass. Guess what the British legal system guessed it, our intrepid buddy Julian is being extradited back to the U.S. of A.. Bummer for McWhitey Face. The amazingly wondrous U.S. legal system has already tried Assange in abstentia, found him guilty, and are waiting on his extradition to the U.S. penal system. Doubly really a bummer, oh man, doubly so. I'm thinking that Assange isn't gonna like U.S. incarceration. Nope, not about at all. Assange will be held in a federal prison somewhere uncomfortable like the federal prison in Florence, Arizona. Did you know that the federal prison in Florence, Arizona does NOT have air conditioning? That federal prison don't need no stinking' air conditioning. Rule of thumb at the fed big house is open a dang window and ignore the bars. It gets really and I mean REALLY freaking hot in Florence, Arizona and I know that because I've been to Florence. The town of Florence and not the prison. I knew a guy that was sentenced to serve time at the Florence prison. Not heard not a word from the guy since. Dang that has so got to roastingly suck. So we should probably wish ole Whitey McWhitey Face, aka Julian Assange, good luck cause he's really gonna need it. Good luck old McWhitey Face. Now for some Friday machine art. Not much in the way of compassion but art nonetheless. That would be compassion for Assange. Dumb ass.

far away horizons -

in the middle with guy -

well, it's snowing outside so I'd better warm up the ole snowblower. Damn if'n that don't about suck! I mean...really. 😑

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Shake It Up

 Off the coast of Oregon, there is an ongoing swarm of earthquakes. As near as I can discover by way of the old google research project, there's been no official USGS explicaciΓ³n as to what is up with that. Shaky shaky baby. Could be that there's an ongoing whopper of an undersea tectonic plate subduction. You can learn about the term 'subduction' using the ole google thingy and find a reasonably plausible explanation. However, there's not been any explicaciΓ³nes about the current swarm. Of earthquakes. Could be that Mt. Hood which is a for real volcano and holds ground just to the north and wee bit east of Portland, Oregon is fixing to blow. I've been to Portland a number of times and I've only been able to see Mt. Hood once. It rains a lot in Portland. Well, it rains a lot all over the Pacific Northwest. It could be that the U.S. military is mining out an undersea "secret military installation" and the U.S. military ain't about to inform anyone about that. Especially not denizens of Portland and Oregon in general. You may have heard about the brammy new U.S. military "SPACE FARCE," well, this would be an ocean borne 'sea farce' so Aquaman had better watch his really wet ass for sure. Oh yes and by the way, it was Aquaman that killed the Batman. A little "f.y.i." for some added contextual context. How a come no one ever talks about that? I mean...really. So and whatever the real evidence may indicate, there's an ongoing swarm of earthquakes in the undersea part of the Oregon coast and that would be the Oregon Pacific Coast. Oregon doesn't really have an Atlantic Ocean Coast. Not even close. So how and whatever shakes out in the long run, Portland may want to consider moving a tad farther inland and away from their now shaky coast. Portland isn't exactly on the coast. Not Pacific OR Atlantic. However Portland is along the banks of the Columbia River and dang if'n that ain't about one big river. The Columbia. Portland, Oregon is about 80 miles inland from the Pacific. So should there be an actual earthquake generated tsunami, Portland is gonna get soaked and more than the normal soaking associated with the incessant rain. Damn if'n it ain't about one dang thing, it's about several more dang things. Okay and enough of today's prattle infused screed. Machine art is next.

winter tree -

a quantum of something or other -

remember Banda Aceh a way back in the day? 😲

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Possibly with clam sauce. I heard the term 'neurodiversity' used during a local news broadcast on Pearl Harbor Day. That would be yesterday December 7, 2021...a day that will live in broadcast infamy. Neurodiversity?? I'd never heard the term used in ANY context prior to watching the news so I had to give the term the ole google once over. So come to find out, the term 'neurodiversity' is simply a splash of psychobabble to impress simple people that are too gawddang lazy to google up a word to find out what in hell might be the goings on. There isn't much going on with the term. Some "autistic" sociology lady back in the 1990's coined the phrase to impress her professors while authoring up a thesis for her sociology degree. Damn if that's not about so twentieth century. Did you know that "autistic" people are taking degrees in sociology? I think that's marvelous if not totally so twenty first century progressive. However and where I take complete umbrage with sociology lady is her making up a term, word, or phrase to score points writing a college thesis. You see "autistic" sociology lady is trying her damnedest to get her thesis taken seriously. I'm sorry but I can't take the coining of new words worthy of popular trending positivity. So I think that now and given our ever so current world of faking if not making shit up, to be oh so tiresome. NonBinary gender-oh-rama vis-a-vie the Demi Lobotomy douche. The Lobotomy douche can't decide which side of a fence she/he/it/they/whatever might land on. Personally and I speak for myself ONLY here, I'm goddamn tired of all this tedious if not braindead cultural bullshit. Pro-life Pro-death penalty hypocrisy. Talk about oxymoronic. Gun rights for just about everybody except not for convicted felons. You see the general public has access to guns and can kill at will and do that very thing. However, convicted felons can't have access to guns as that would put convicted felons on the same footing as everybody else. With the possible exception of recidivists, convicted felons have paid their debts to society and want nothing more than to live and let live. But they can't have them dang shootin' irons. Nope pardner, they can't. Talk about 2nd class citizenship. Oh yes and by way of disclaimer, I'm one of those convicted felons and I wear that ex-con badge as a personal history of addiction and conviction. I'm very proud of being 30+ years clean and sober and yet I've never shot and killed anyone. And yes, I paid my debt to society a very long time ago. All that is irrelevant. I still can't be taking a term such as 'neurodiversity' as relevant to anything other than one lady's ego. Yeah...hearing the usage of 'neurodiversity' sent me over the brink. I'm still not about to go out and procure a gun, which by the by, is easier than crossing a street against the light, then go shoot someone. Judas H. Priest, common sense or any semblance of reasonability is gone the way of a red tennis shoe. Which by the by, the red tennis shoe is an actual story and I'll leave that for some future grumbling screed. Now for some neurolinguini and machine art. 

jewel in denial -

dreaming dreams -

would you care to have your neurolinguini with or without spaghetti? now that's a question. πŸ’¬

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Farkas House Rules

 December 7, 2021. A day that will live in Hawaiian flooding history. They's gettin' swamped. A rainy dang day in paradise, go figure. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

@Farkas House

Rule #1- There are no rules

Rule #2- in all instances and times of confusing confusion, see rule #1.

Now for our daily dose of machine art.

phoenix rising -

moon kid -

have not heard nary a word about Pearl Harbor Day. must not be very important these days. a way back when Pearl Harbor Day was a pretty big deal. how times have changed. πŸ˜•

Monday, December 6, 2021

If It's Monday Then...

... let there be machine art! 

bear -

 universal Leon -

yeah, I got nothing - πŸ˜‰