Monday, August 7, 2023

Artificial Human Intelligence

 Australian military is conducting experiments trying to merge artificial intelligent micro-chips with actual human brain cells. I think Australian military may have just jumped the shark. Militarily speaking of course. Probably the Australian military has sped way past the Frankenstein horror scenario. I suppose the military cyborg has been a dream of militaries just about anywhere. The Australian military will be able to grow their own. Isn't that just special? Well of course it is. So with that cheery little news nugget, let's us venture into the spooky if not utterly preposterous world of Monday machine art.

slave -

Spartacus -

swept -

nozzle -

sign of four -

rolled stone -

if you take the military applications out of the merging experiments, micro-chips might not be such a bad idea. any help that human intelligence might obtain at this late stage could only help? 😏

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