That was Senator Mitt Romney (R-Ut) speaking about Majorie Taylor Greene. Greene is a stupid cow from Georgia the U.S. state and our stupid cow sits idle in the U.S. House of Representatives. Don't that just figure. Anyway, good old Senator Romney is trying as best he can to redeem the retarded Republican Party. I wish Mitt the very best and good luck with that. Mitt is sooo gonna need all the luck he can muster. On an entirely separate note, the Russian economy is heading directly in the dumper as sanctions imposed by President Biden and the EU are beginning to take hold and take effect. Gosh...ain't that about too freaking bad. Actually, no it's not. There was a photag of a six year old child in Ukraine, hit the presses this morning, that was killed by a Russian rocket. Yeah guys, that's butch. Assholes! Okay and so for a Monday we now will switch over to the machine art segment of today's program. At least there might not be any children killed by machine art. Hopefully.
stir -
Baja the store -
the Baja is an actual store and if you happen to be in the know, well, you'll know what I'm posting about and why. 😎
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