Whoops and a KA-BOOM! There goes Ukraine. The actual blame for all this Ukraine carnage rests on Bill 'Bubba' Clinton. A way back in the day, good old Bubba thought it might be a good idea to destabilize Russia and invite former satellite Russian states into NATO. Well needless to say, that did NOT sit well with the Rooskies. No that did not. The Russians started to bitch about those "eastern moves" toward Russia and no one and I mean absolutely no one would bother to listen to Russian complaints. Nope. So now it's time to reap the bountiful benefits of Bubba Clinton's dumb ass diplomacy and there you go. You see? Global strategies for a postmodern era that was soo last century. Speaking of Bubba, have you had a look at Hillary these days? Yikes! The Hillary is planning to run for president in 2024. Talk about the horrors of deja vu. Yikes one more time. So by late this afternoon or possibly sooner than that, the Rooskies will have demolished Ukraine and "sanctions" didn't do more than about squat. So there you go. Now we'll move us on over to some machine art. Those Ukraine girls really got knocked out. See the Beatles version of 'Back In The USSR'.
j'accuse -
thumbs...got to have them -
have fun everyone, there might not be much time left for that manner of hilarity. 😶
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