Monday, February 28, 2022

What A Moron

 That was Senator Mitt Romney (R-Ut) speaking about Majorie Taylor Greene. Greene is a stupid cow from Georgia the U.S. state and our stupid cow sits idle in the U.S. House of Representatives. Don't that just figure. Anyway, good old Senator Romney is trying as best he can to redeem the retarded Republican Party. I wish Mitt the very best and good luck with that. Mitt is sooo gonna need all the luck he can muster. On an entirely separate note, the Russian economy is heading directly in the dumper as sanctions imposed by President Biden and the EU are beginning to take hold and take effect. Gosh...ain't that about too freaking bad. Actually, no it's not. There was a photag of a six year old child in Ukraine, hit the presses this morning, that was killed by a Russian rocket. Yeah guys, that's butch. Assholes! Okay and so for a Monday we now will switch over to the machine art segment of today's program. At least there might not be any children killed by machine art. Hopefully.

stir -

Baja the store -

the Baja is an actual store and if you happen to be in the know, well, you'll know what I'm posting about and why. 😎

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bang C @ The Wall Of Sound

Remember the Sabbath Day and go play golf. You see, that's exactly what 'God' did a way back in the beginning. After 'God' finished with all that creation crap-o-la as previously noted by Genesis, well, 'God' was almost entirely exhausted and 'God' traipsed off to the Hope Springs Eternal golf club on the outskirts of 'Heaven' to play a round with some demigods, Demi Moore, Roger Moore, Salma Hayek, and Buff the Magical Illusion. I have it on good authority that Jeebus volunteered to "caddie" and there you go. So...playing golf on the Sabbath Day is perfectly acceptable. That is IF and that's a fairly big 'if' playing golf on a Sunday is okie-dokie and doesn't piss off one's wife. That last assertion would be the really important part. Machine art is up next. Remember those Ukrainian girls and keep them picturesque.

conflict -

mesa and NOT Mesa, Arizona -

Vladdy Putin ordered all the nukes in Rooskie Land be put on high alert. Oh sure you murderous freak, drag nukes into your fucked up dream of bashing crap out of Ukraine. Dumb asshole. Putin and not that Ukrainian president guy with the unpronounceable surname. 😖

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Vlad The DoucheBag

 Whoops and a KA-BOOM! There goes Ukraine. The actual blame for all this Ukraine carnage rests on Bill 'Bubba' Clinton. A way back in the day, good old Bubba thought it might be a good idea to destabilize Russia and invite former satellite Russian states into NATO. Well needless to say, that did NOT sit well with the Rooskies. No that did not. The Russians started to bitch about those "eastern moves" toward Russia and no one and I mean absolutely no one would bother to listen to Russian complaints. Nope. So now it's time to reap the bountiful benefits of Bubba Clinton's dumb ass diplomacy and there you go. You see? Global strategies for a postmodern era that was soo last century. Speaking of Bubba, have you had a look at Hillary these days? Yikes! The Hillary is planning to run for president in 2024. Talk about the horrors of deja vu. Yikes one more time. So by late this afternoon or possibly sooner than that, the Rooskies will have demolished Ukraine and "sanctions" didn't do more than about squat. So there you go. Now we'll move us on over to some machine art. Those Ukraine girls really got knocked out. See the Beatles version of 'Back In The USSR'.

j'accuse - to have them -

have fun everyone, there might not be much time left for that manner of hilarity. 😶

Friday, February 25, 2022


VlasPutin is Russian for 'blitzkrieg'. Isn't that simply amazing? Probably not. What's amazing is how Putin is unafraid to prove to our world what an abject asshole he is. Guy's an asshole no doubt. A murderous asshole to be quite specific. What's also amazing is watching the trump band of jolly traitors show themselves as the scumbag treasonous freaks they are in fact. Other than pressing Amerikan government to incarcerate the rabid fucks, there's more than likely not so much can be done about them. Pity... I'm of the opinion that re-education camps be set up to house the annoying and insane klanvangelicals, trumpers, the talking pie-holes airing on FauxNews, and those really creepy fools of Opus Dei. Opus Dopus? Yeah, I like that one. So war is on. Would that be the new normal? New normal...what a stupid phrase. Machine art is next on this here last Friday in February. 

war IS the atrocity -

flight -

so with February just about finito, beware the Ides of March hares. 😲

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off To War We Go

 So it came to pass that Russia invaded Ukraine just like the intel folk have been warning. Oh yippee! Men, women, and children are ALREADY dying in Ukraine and those Ukraine girls aren't looking so good right about now. FUCK RUSSIA and Russia's newest and barbaric Czar Vlad the Putin. War is simply too fucking stupid to engage in. So...exactly what is Putin's problem? Well the short answer would be the fucker is insane and isn't that the case for any number of our Planet's political leaders? Amerika's orange baboon (trump) has come out squarely rooting for Putin. Gosh is that about a surprise or not. Amerika's young men and women might want to consider migrating to Sweden right about now. Does ANY Amerikan, besides trump and his inbred children, really want to die for...wait for it...the Ukraine?!? Hell no way no fucking way. So the insanity that is war is gaining steam and rational sober minds will very quickly become scarce as hen's teeth. You see hens as in chickens don't have teeth. So while we have us a bit of a calm before the onslaught of global violence, how about we enjoy a little machine art and offer prayers for peace. Not that prayers for peace have EVER worked in the past. Oh holy shit...this will all turn out so fucking badly.

surrealistic jiggy -

operatic fat lady sings a funeral dirge -

if you've a mind to cash in on the war, well, buy Raytheon and/or Martin/Marrietta stock. defense industry stocks will gain like crazy at the morning bell. that's how the stock market starts it's day. with a bell. so ask not for whom the opening bell tolls for the BIG investors. 🙀

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What Is It Good For

 War, what IS it good for? Short answer would be...absolutely nothing. Jam packed schedule on this fine Wednesday so, this post will be short. Really short. Europe is gonna be laid to waste. Dang and don't that just about suck. Machine art is up next.

waste -

theatier -

TTFN. as in...later. 💨

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

To Too Two And Even More Desmond Tutu

 Today is one of those days that Chinese folk find "auspicious." Oh yeah. Today would be the second day of February and February is the second month of the year AND this would the year of 2022. See? More twos. Dang twos are falling out the woodwork. There should, probably, be some synchrony at work here. Maybe. If you play Keno which is a casino numbers game, play the twos. Or not. Anyway, the clock is now ticking for war that will begin in Ukraine. Dang if that isn't something to look forward to. All you pretty young boys should get ready. Can you feel a 'draft'? Okay and now we'll move on to the machine art segment of todays two-riffic installment of How The World Blows Itself Up.

no -

Tootsie -

remember to take a little time today and have some fun. you might not get a second chance. 😁

Monday, February 21, 2022

Attack Of The Next Omicron Mutant Virus

 Oh yes my friends, the next Covid-19 Delta Omicron Omicron II AND Omicron II version 2.007 is locked, loaded, and ready to strike our Amerika with a speeding vengeance. OMG!!! The shocking news was posted up front and personal on the Google news page thingy first thing this morning. OMG!!! Well don't you just know that this here Monday and a Presidents Day holiday would be greeted with even more really icky and bad news. OMG!!! So, we're all gonna die and that's that. So in preparation for the upcoming and on the clock variant virus...we's moving to the desert. Yup and won't be long now by golly. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust so if'n the lightning don't getcha' the Covid-19 Delta Omicron Omicron II AND Omicrap II version 2.007 MUST! We are all so gonna die. Dang diseases, cracker rednecks, trump, and a war with Russia are gonna mess up your summer and it appears to be fait accompli. Nuts. Okay so we might as well move it on over to the machine art segment of today's program. We've nothing to lose but our sense of sensibility.

obvious -

shaken yet possibly stirred -

don't you just hate it when Monday rolls around and the dreary news hits the fan before you've had your morning coffee? I know I do... I hate that shit. 😡

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Magdalean Waist Coat

 You should understand that a Magdalean Waist Coat is mythically magic. Oh yeah. Put this bad boy on and shit happens. Unexplainable shit happens. Gosh, who'd of thunk it. So if you happen to be lucky enough to find one hanging new and almost off the rack at J.C. Creepers department store, you'd better buy the dang thing with no questions asked. Yup. Now for some pre-Presidents Day machine art. Go figure.

oy! -

happy -

and there it is for your pre-holiday mattress sale. 💫 clothing sale???

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Vent That Spleen

 An article on the Google News page insists that 'tweens and teens' are shocked that they are having a hard time getting people to refer to them as "its or thems or whatevers" as in gender neutral pronouns. Sorry to inform the little tykes, the correct usage of American/English grammar does NOT work that way. Nor should it. For hell sakes kiddies, get a fucking grip. Your failure to receive a proper English education is the fault of school systems and not the American people. To use a neutral "them/they" is bullshit. Use a proper pronoun. Yes and as you can see, I'm venting spleen here. Google it for fuck sakes. The term 'vent spleen or venting spleen'. I'm not even the slightest bit obligated to educate your ignorant and sorry young asses. There is no gender neutral place in our very gender orientated world. That's fact and not conjecture. Google that too. To refer to oneself as a 'they' is not only stupid but it sounds really annoying. Fuck you! You don't get to choose. Your choice was already made for you by your equally ignorant parents. Your equally stupid parents are to blame here and not ANYONE else. Your parents can fuck off as well. To be quite certain and/or specific. God ahmighty all this "entitlement" crap-oh-la is tedious and frankly, boring. Get over yourselves for christ sakes. Miserable little freaks!!! Now let's move on to the calming effects of machine art.

Standolf -

lemur -

Standolf is a wizard, so there Harry Potter. Well and Frodo. 😎

Friday, February 18, 2022

SheepDip Bundy @ The Cement Pond

 I'm back. A week well spent in the Mojave Desert and I'm feeling much better now. Spectacular for the most part and the weather was exquisite. I was able to capture the Valley Of Fire with my camera. Images will follow as soon as I get them uploaded to my Mac. The highlight of the trip, besides the elk outside of Mona, Utah, would be seeing SheepDip (Cliven) Bundy at the cement pond over by Bunkerville, Nevada. Old Bundy hasn't aged very well to say the least and probably about the best can be said for SheepDip. We got to see wild turkeys in Overton, Nevada and I've NEVER seen wild turkeys in the Mojave at anytime in days gone past. Anyway, there will be more tales of the desert in the days to come. I've got a pile of crap-o-la to get caught up on. So for now, TTFN. Machine art is next. There's always machine art.

couple -

walk dog -

I read that war with Russia is only days away. a war with Russia would certainly change the dynamic of just about everything. 😟

Saturday, February 12, 2022


 That's all. Back in about a week.

Bon Vee -

owletta -

Mojave here we come! 😃

Friday, February 11, 2022

Day Of The Sinkhole

 It's the Friday before the big day. Not the 'stupid bowl'. Valentin's Day will be on Monday February 14, 2022. Time to make nice with your sweetie and buy flowers. Or chocolates. Or both IF you can afford it. I'll not bother with Valentin's Day this year a cause I'm a be leaving this here totalitarian little berg. Going south and south to THE desert. The Mojave Desert to be quite specific. I do love me some desert time and warmth and stuff like that there. It's way past time to flee from behind the Zion Curtain and the interminable smog and Mormons and Utah's legislative overlords. Damn ignorant lot to be quite specific. If you can discount the fucking political idiots that run this is the place, Utah is more than lovely. Scenery wise. We ain't had much snow so Utah hasn't had the greatest snow on Earth for a while now. Come summertime, folks are gonna be wishing that Utah had heeded all the climate change warnings that have been flying around for years and then and only then there just might have been enough water to drink. Watering lawns and filling swimming pools will more than likely be off the table for the foreseeable future. A dry and unseasonably warm future. Tough noogies there boy. Water will become a very hot commodity no doubt. Pricey too. People were warned. So, off'n we go and we'll be back later on. Maybe. Machine art comes right about now.

Bodie a ghost town -

Joshua a tree -

there's war coming. Ukraine to start with. possibly by the end of February. this shit will get really ugly real quick. 😬

p.s. with America being a "democratic republic", well, we the people get exactly the political representation voted into office. self-inflicted to be certain.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Once Upon A Not So Long Time Ago

 And other ridiculous modern nursery rhymes. Sort of like this -

Hickory Dickory Dock

Some Mouse Ran Up A Bar Tab

The Time Bell Struck One So

Out Of The Bar The Mouse Runs

Leaving The Tab For

Someone Else To Pay

Yeah, doesn't exactly rhyme but what does these days. Rest assured that the current tsunami of global insanity isn't about to fade anytime soon. Now for machine art -

pointy -

saguaro -

so it should be obvious...I've got nothing. 💬

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Fried Green Crisco

 You see Crisco is supposed to be white and not green so if you happen to discover your Crisco has turned green well, don't fry it. Don't try it. Don't eat it. Do however give green Crisco a toss in the dumper. Icky! In other almost refreshing big breaking news, Mitch 'the bitch' McConnell has begun the process of growing a human spine. I guess that miracles of modern medicine are indeed possible. McConnell took the Republican't National Committee to task for censuring Ms. Liz Cheney and Mr. Adam Kinzinger, both Representatives in the House Of, for voting to impeach trump and for being members of the House Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2022 insurrection and riot at the U.S. Capitol Building. There are some Republican'ts that stand in opposition to trump insanity and obvious lawlessness. Did you know that Mitt Romney's niece is the chairperson of the RNC? Well that is true. Romney didn't want to have to criticize his niece in public. Romney feels it perfectly acceptable for his niece to be a fawning and deranged sycophant for trump the all American asshat. How is trump the insane not in prison? That is exactly the question I posed to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Better yet, how has trump avoided being frog marched out onto the National Mall where he should face a military firing squad and be shot dead? I am straight up serious about that notion. Shoot the flaming orange freak and be done with him. Shoot his inbred children along with his current bitch. Whomever that may in fact be. Trump's bitch. So on that cheerful note let us move on to today's installment of machine art.

bury the dead and don't leave them laying around until the dead start to stink -

heartfelt -

would it be considered inappropriate to start a gofundme page to hire an assassin to cack trump? 😛

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Now Comes The End

 Well for starters, the end of winter is getting closer and closer. With each and every passing day, that frigid winter chokehold is loosening. Yeah! Closer but not yet finito. A way out here behind the Zion Curtain the sun's been shining and the smog is yet to abate. But you can at least see the sun. The day's are beginning to warm just a bit and won't be too long and the flowers will start to peek they blossomy little heads out the cold freezy ground and presto just like Not quite yet but here comes a hint of spring. Sorry, I seem to be gushing just a mite. We still have the accursed smog. That weather aberration is not "haze", it's SMOG! Gad dang, why try to make nice about it. Call it for what it is...smog. The local weather talking heads are under penalty of termination if they use the smog word. Lame ass dummies anyway. And so there you have it...all the local crap-o-la that's fit to be tied over. Under? Local whatever? Now comes the winter of our machine art. Not for much longer though.

city -

puffin -

did you know that people actually EAT puffins? goddamn barbaric no doubt. with all the available food that gets tossed out, people DO NOT need to eat puffins. beautiful birds to say the least so why in hell would people eat them? dumb assholery to be very specific. 😡

Monday, February 7, 2022


Alrighty everyone back to work. Or school. Or whatever. Monday is come round again and there ain't not a thing can be done about that. You see, Mondays happen. As do Tuesdays then Wednesdays might be able to catch my drift. In the further adventures of Philias Fogg (aka Around The World In Eighty Days airing on PBS), the intrepid trio was saved from off'n the island they'd been stranded on. Ms. Figg and the valet Passepartout seemed on the verge sucking face but the trio (Philias Fogg, Abigail Fix, and Passepartout the valet and his first name is Jean) were saved and we the viewers were sparred a moment of forbidden love. You see the valet Passepartout is black and Ms. Figg is white and the 'Around The World In Eighty Days' tele-adventure is portrayed in the "Victorian era." Snobbery and racial bias is everywhere. British television's very own Dr. Who is portraying Philias Fogg. That would be David Tennant. The actor and not some on-the-fly renter. Or squatter. You know tenant? Anyway the group is on to the America's which should be equally exciting as were the first six episodes. Actually and by the way, 'Around The World In Eighty Days' is some pretty dang fine television programming. There's very little quality television these days and to find something worth watching is refreshing. I saw the original ATWIED a way back when and this new and improved version is, well, new and vastly improved. I can watch David Tennant in just about anything. Tennant was brilliant as the tenth Dr. Who. Tennant was also brilliant as the demon Crowley in 'Good Omens'. The British are quite good at producing and airing television that's worth watching. I can't wait for a new season of 'Endeavour' if we here in America are lucky enough to be able to see it. Watch it? A new season of 'Endeavour' isn't connected to ATWIED but it's British television and that about says it all. Good stuff there boy. So that's about it for a Monday and I'll be moving on now to the machine art segment of today's program.

catastrophe -

heart -

I think I could have made a dang fine television critic. I can criticize with the best of the best. 😎

Sunday, February 6, 2022


 I've got nothing so, I'm gonna ramble on here and see what happens. With war on the horizon and not so distant a horizon at that, are America's young guys ready for a draft and an almost certain death in...Ukraine? It won't be the Ukraine girls the boys will have to worry about. For context, see the Beatles version of 'Back In The USSR'. Moms and dads should probably stock up on body bags. They are gonna need them. If you happen to own stock in America's military/industrial complex, get ready for some righteous dividends. Money along with war help the world to go around. I find it rather curious that the 'Comet' channel on our non-cable television aired the Keanu Reeves version of 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' just last night. That would be Saturday night which is alright for fighting. See Elton John's catalog of musical hits. Anyway, I think the Keanu Reeves version of TDTESS is worlds better than the original Michael Rennie version. The special efx that created Gort are spectacular. I don't care much for Kathy Bates the actress. I've never got over her role in 'Misery'. Yikes!!! Anyway the TDTESS Reeves movie seems prescient and it does kill some wasted time. Gort is a new and improved Gort from the first Gort. The way the machine dissolves is outstanding. So there you have it for a Sunday and the first Sunday in the month of February 2022. I like February the month on account of the month simply flies by and it's over. Beware the Ides of March. Machine art is next.

Union Pacific -

 orca in abstract -

I gave today's screed a goofy title simply and because. because I didn't have more than about squat. 😯

Saturday, February 5, 2022


 Super Bowl Week begins tomorrow. Of course that would be Sunday February 6, 2022. Back in the day, there wasn't a 'super bowl week'. Nope. The NFL simply held the conference playoffs and then the championship games and finally the 'super bowl'. Back in the mid-sixties the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, and that would be the now dead Lamar Hunt, gave the football championship game the 'super' title. Hunt has been dead for a while now but the 'super bowl' name caught on like a California wildfire. Anyway the 'super bowl' is now the stuff of legend, mythos, god like stature, and some really keen commercials. Those 'super bowl' commercials cost a pile of bucks by the way. Evidently so does hosting a 'super bowl'. Cities actually fight it out amongst themselves in gridiron boardrooms to win the opportunity to host the big game. However and the very first thing any city leader wanting to host a 'super bowl' MUST do is genuflect and do so deeply before Roger Goodell. Goodell is 'commissar' of the NFL. Goodell is actually a died in the sheets racist and wholeheartedly approves of the slavery designation for all NFL players. Have you ever wondered why there are no black head coachers in the NFL? Well that's because the NFL is an "all white folk" incorporation and holds that distinction dearly and has the legislative approval of America's Congress. The NFL loves that black athletes will literally shed blood and knee joints to play in the league but that's about all the NFL loves about black athletes. So tomorrow the winning conference champions will arrive in La-La Land, that would be Los Angeles, for the start of 'wholly week' and the players will be wined, dined, showered with adulation, praise, "bonus" money, fawning men women and children, new cars and trucks, insurance people, and media giants that simply can't look away. 'Super bowl' week also includes a "media day" where all the media sycophants get to hobnob with team coaches, players, equipment handlers, but not the game officials. Nope not any officials on account of that might seem inappropriate and possibly lead to accusations of cheating. Not that the NFL cares about cheating. NFL teams regularly earn monies by throwing a game. Gosh is that about shocking or not. Not even close to a surprise. So loads of frivolous crap begins tomorrow and I'm thinking about leaving town for parts unknown. All the NFL bullshit and football hype is tedious and utterly ridiculous. Besides, all those really expensive 'super bowl' commercials will air in an endless feedback loop of banality until whomever posted up a 'super bowl' commercial has reclaimed some if not part of the commercial expenditure. Oh what fun to be had IF the price is right. Machine art comes next and before ANY 'super bowl' crap-o-la.

war is on the horizon -

the veiled woman -

did you know that the commie Chinese tried to get the NFL to change the date of this year's 'super bowl'? Well the commie Chinese really did. the commies didn't want a 'super bowl' interfering with the commie Chinese winter Olympic Games 2022. Roger Goodell tossed the commie Chinese request in the dumper. it's the 'super bowl' after all. 😎

Friday, February 4, 2022


 Friday and we're four days into February. Yippee. I've got a serious attitude problem today and we'll jump right to the machine art. I can do that.

nuns -

Rasputin in abstract -

canyon -

so if Russia had a Rasputin a way back when, Russia has themselves a Vladputin today. that's funny a cause it's true. 😆

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Officially Closed

 The State of Texas is closed today. Yup and officially so. You see the vast wide open spaces of Texas got socked with a dang nasty winter storm and all the manly men of Texas couldn't weather the cold, freezing rain, snow, and so they all went inside to whine up a streak. Bunch of whiners anyway. The Governor of Texas got his wheelchair stuck in the snow and dang near froze to death before someone noticed and sent in a team of Texas National Militia guys to unstuck good ole 'Wheely'. 'Wheely' is how Abbott likes to call hisself so he can "relate to the little guy." Governor of Texas is named Greg Abbott. That Texas National Militia team is also the winner of the Texas State Shootin' Contest For Texas Guys With Big Hats. Anyway the freezing rain started up right before the snow started, the men of Texas commenced to whining about that, Amarillo disappeared off'n all Texas maps in a blinding snow squall, Texas Governor got stuck in the snow, Jerry Jones owner of THE Dallas Cowboys footsball team headed to Cancun with Ted Cruz, and most of the citizens of Texas were informed they could suck ice. Texas is a 'pretty great state'. Sure it is. So at the closing of Texas, all manner of Texas business came to a frozen halt. Stalled in an iceberg of commercial undoing, Dang that has so got to suck. For the Texans. Have you ever noticed that anytime Texas crap gets reported out, that reporting is in a masculine reflection of nuisance? Evidently ALL women in Texas are listed as 'on the bench' OR all the women of Texas are shuffled off to some nondescript Baptist Preachin' Hour for prayer and womens teatime which as things turn out, is a long and dark Texas teatime for the sole. Apologies to Douglas Adams. You see Mr. Adams wrote a book titled 'The Long Dark Teatime Of The Soul'. Mr. Douglas Adams is just about my favorite author of all time. Before Charles Dickens and directly after Isaac Asimov. All righty then and now it is time for today's installment of machine art. Oh yes and by the way, fuck Texas. What a sorry collection of asshats.

the great seeing eye -

apartheid -

I do like to poke at Texans. Texans are thin-skinned like you wouldn't believe. 😛

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Today Is Ground Hog Day With A Side Of Snow

 Yeah out here behind the Zion Curtain we got us about an inch of snow and the residents of Mormon Town went nuts. Icy roads you see. Drivers slip sliding all over the motorways and car repair shops couldn't be happier. All the dummies need do is slow down but ... no. So the dummies will be even later for work than had they just slowed down. Judas, this isn't Daytona. So I suppose that a ground hog wouldn't see a shadow on this fine morning. I could be wrong though, I haven't been outside. It snowed and it is freaking dang cold outside. So if the stores start selling ground hog, wouldn't that be like ground pork? I've never not even once had ground hog. Little critters aren't all that big. Well except for that Pennsylvania ground hog. Punsutawny Phil, or something like that, is very well fed. Little fucker is fat even for a ground hog. Of course hogs are fat as a general rule but ground hogs? We've got us a lady what lives down the block and she is certainly fat but no one bothers to drag her outside to see if the woman can see her shadow. She wouldn't on this day but that means about zip. In other breaking news, President Biden is sending even more troops to Eastern Europe. This all has the markings of a twenty-first century Vietnam. Well and except any war breaks out and that war will be with Russia face to face. Did you know that Vegas is taking bets on how long it might take for any war in Ukraine to turn over to a nuclear war? Well Vegas most certainly is taking bets like that. The bookies in Vegas will take a bet on just about anything. Vegas bookies were even taking bets on how long it might take ABC/Disney to suspend Whoopi Goldberg. Took the ABC/Disney combine about two weeks in total. The Whoop is heading for the Bahamas. She's got the next two weeks off. Probably with pay. I don't bother watching the 'View' or any network television like that there. I don't watch 'Batchelor' either. Television is mostly a braindead zone for those braindead. Kind of like a special day for Ground Hogs. Okay and that about wraps things up for a Ground Hog Day 2022. Machine art is next.

hound not hog -

valley of the damned -

did you know that ground hog is selling for about $9.00 dollars a pound? 😳

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

It Is Not Groundhog Day

 Tomorrow and that would be February 2, 2022, is Groundhog Day. Today is the Chinese New Year and therefore today is the first day in the Year Of The Tiger. Okay everyone, fireworks are in order as is the eating of copious amounts of Chinese food. Get yourselves over to Panda Express and pig out. I really don't know if Panda Express has decent Chinese food. I've never been to a Panda Express. I hope that Panda Express isn't serving 'General Ho's ham fried panda'. Oh yuck and what an outrage. I have no idea what the 'year of the tiger' might entail but I do hope they quit killing tigers. 'They' would mean any and all of those who might celebrate a Chinese year of the tiger. The Chinese I suppose. My wife tells me that the 'year of the tiger' is supposed to be auspicious for people born in the 'year of the ox' and that would be me. 'Year of the ox' doesn't mean much for me BUT, I do personally celebrate being 29 years and one month clean. Now that's something to celebrate. Anyway, today is a big deal for those Chinese folk and I suppose that the Beijing Olympics was timed to fall in the 'year of the tiger'. I don't know that for a certainty but I could bet I'm not too far off the mark of a tiger. Get it? Play on words and NOT wordle. I really don't know what 'wordle' might be and I really don't care. However, 'wordle' is a big enough deal that the 'wordle' thing has been purchased by the New York Times. For a cart load of cash. I have a word for the New York Times and you don't need to play 'wordle' to figure out what that word might be. I'll be gracious enough to offer up a clue as to what might that word would be...think the 'f' word and then add whatever letters you think might fit neatly into one lame ass riddle. Okay...times up. Now let us plunge boldly into today's offering of machine art.

police -

want's to be a cowboy -

so there you go and on the first day in the 'year of the tiger'. how about that. ☺