Super Bowl Week begins tomorrow. Of course that would be Sunday February 6, 2022. Back in the day, there wasn't a 'super bowl week'. Nope. The NFL simply held the conference playoffs and then the championship games and finally the 'super bowl'. Back in the mid-sixties the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, and that would be the now dead Lamar Hunt, gave the football championship game the 'super' title. Hunt has been dead for a while now but the 'super bowl' name caught on like a California wildfire. Anyway the 'super bowl' is now the stuff of legend, mythos, god like stature, and some really keen commercials. Those 'super bowl' commercials cost a pile of bucks by the way. Evidently so does hosting a 'super bowl'. Cities actually fight it out amongst themselves in gridiron boardrooms to win the opportunity to host the big game. However and the very first thing any city leader wanting to host a 'super bowl' MUST do is genuflect and do so deeply before Roger Goodell. Goodell is 'commissar' of the NFL. Goodell is actually a died in the sheets racist and wholeheartedly approves of the slavery designation for all NFL players. Have you ever wondered why there are no black head coachers in the NFL? Well that's because the NFL is an "all white folk" incorporation and holds that distinction dearly and has the legislative approval of America's Congress. The NFL loves that black athletes will literally shed blood and knee joints to play in the league but that's about all the NFL loves about black athletes. So tomorrow the winning conference champions will arrive in La-La Land, that would be Los Angeles, for the start of 'wholly week' and the players will be wined, dined, showered with adulation, praise, "bonus" money, fawning men women and children, new cars and trucks, insurance people, and media giants that simply can't look away. 'Super bowl' week also includes a "media day" where all the media sycophants get to hobnob with team coaches, players, equipment handlers, but not the game officials. Nope not any officials on account of that might seem inappropriate and possibly lead to accusations of cheating. Not that the NFL cares about cheating. NFL teams regularly earn monies by throwing a game. Gosh is that about shocking or not. Not even close to a surprise. So loads of frivolous crap begins tomorrow and I'm thinking about leaving town for parts unknown. All the NFL bullshit and football hype is tedious and utterly ridiculous. Besides, all those really expensive 'super bowl' commercials will air in an endless feedback loop of banality until whomever posted up a 'super bowl' commercial has reclaimed some if not part of the commercial expenditure. Oh what fun to be had IF the price is right. Machine art comes next and before ANY 'super bowl' crap-o-la.
war is on the horizon -
the veiled woman -did you know that the commie Chinese tried to get the NFL to change the date of this year's 'super bowl'? Well the commie Chinese really did. the commies didn't want a 'super bowl' interfering with the commie Chinese winter Olympic Games 2022. Roger Goodell tossed the commie Chinese request in the dumper. it's the 'super bowl' after all. 😎