in France one of those really deranged mooslim terroristas, attacked people at a Cathedral in Nice (that's pronounced neece) and beheaded a woman that was worshipping at the Cathedral. two other people were killed as well. I believe the 'headsman' was arrested on scene but details remain a mite sketchy due to the time difference between where I live and France. evidently France's mooslims got their knickers all in a knot on account of France's Macron announced a security alert about France's mooslims going nuts and attacking and beheading people. a French school teacher was beheaded in a previous attack by a mooslim terrorista. go figure. and mooslims wonder why people get all pissy when mooslims go around killing people. obywan (that's erdogan if I were being polite. I'm not) il duce of Turkey thinks the French are just being rude and mean to mooslim people and to obywan in particular for obywan's commenting about France's Macron and, well, mooslims. oh yeah and, the mooslim attacker in Nice was shot by French police and then arrested. go figure. mooslims in general seem incapable of keeping their lunatics in line. and in an eerie if not Halloween coincidence, klanvangelical christians seem incapable of keeping their lunatics in line. to be almost fair here, klanvangelical christians seem overall more likely to be lunatics than their mooslim counterparts. klanvangelical christians are more likely to use glocks and AK-47's to kill people rather than the uncivilized practice of beheading. gosh, that's got to count for something? or maybe not. killing is a rather lunatic and messy proposition to begin with. so thinking about the murderous mess in France, it's probably a good thing that trump is not mooslim. god ahmighty, amerika would be armpit deep in running cold blood. should trump lose the presidential election, it will be interesting to watch and see if trump's tenuous grasp on reality finally frays and the thin line snaps. very interesting. on to machine art and stuff.
tranquil dreams of not being in France -
africa's big cats -
the cheetah wanted to vacation in France and then thought better of it. the cheetah didn't want to end up a rug to be sold by some mooslim. yes that was intentionally mean. :]
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