so amerika has a new supreme. not even close to being a surprise. the rethuglicans were going to push barrett's nomination through the procedures with complete disregard for the hypocrisy they invoked in the process. the rethuglicans went all asshole when Obama nominated Merrick Garland in 2016. can't be nominating a supreme in an election year. of course, it's perfectly okey-dokey for the rethuglicans to do it. what a collection of hypocritical assholes. so now amerika is chained to amy farrah fowler coney barrett for her natural life and that is as is said that. today is Tuesday October 27, 2020 and the countdown is on. election 2020 is six yes count them six days in future. six days will not go by fast enough. political ads are spinning wildly on the television and damn if enough isn't enough. I even got to see a Joe Biden ad last night and that was a complete surprise. just about the first Biden ad I've seen a way out here behind the Zion Curtain and golly jeepers, I thought old joltin' Joe had forgot about Utah. anyway and that's about enough politics, judicial hypocrisy, and hurricanes. oh yes, there's another hurricane heading for New Orleans. sorry kids but, climate change has your precious little berg squarely in it's sights. still denying that climate change stuff? oh yeah and, saints ain't coming to save your sorry asses. heavenly saints and not football saints. next up...machine art.
empty roads -
holistic impressionism -
alrighty and see you all later on down the road. :]
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