Tuesday, October 20, 2020

a fitting end

 according to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the Planet is gonna get hit by an asteroid on Election Day 2020. dang if that won't just suck. seems almost karma and a fitting end to a presidential campaign that is just this side of being obscene. barely. trump has gone rabid and does his spitting, hissing, foaming at the mouth drill at his every stop. trump is, once again, all manner of pissed off at Dr. Fauci. it is NOT Dr. Fauci's fault that amerika is trapped unmercifully in the Covid-19 pandemic. that is trump's fault and trump's fault alone. the stupid freak wouldn't listen to the doctors, scientists, and in-the-know professionals that warned el trumpo IN THE VERY BEGINNING about the dangers of the Covid and trump ignored that advice and amerikans started dying in clusters. damn horrific clusters at that. anyway and with an asteroid plunging it's way toward Planet Earth, well, we all might as well go out and have ourselves a good time. 

the Planet isn't really going to get hit by an asteroid. at least that's what the science guys are saying now. we don't want to be starting a panic now do we. not this close to the election day. no that wouldn't be prudent. so after reading as many science articles on the subject of getting smacked cold by an asteroid and as many as I could google and put up with, our Planet will or won't get hit by an asteroid and every last one of us is pretty much left to our own conclusions. I really hope Dr. Tyson is wrong. should the Planet get hit by an asteroid, well, that is really gonna fuck up everyone's day. damn messy too. oh well, ain't not about a thing can be done about any of it. however and should the Planet get the asteroid whammy, I hope and pray that the asteroid lands squarely on trump. wherever the asshole may be on election day. I'm thinking that trump will be out on one of his golf courses in New Jersey. okay New Jersey, get your affairs in order and kiss your sorry asses goodbye. a 7.5 earthquake in Alaska will seem like a piker's picnic should the Planet get smashed. oh yeah...

it's now time for machine art. first up will be 'boys from Brazil' -

and a really big house -

two weeks left and then...and then...WHAMMY!!! or not...toodles everyone. :}

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