Friday, October 23, 2020

friday fish

 evidently the good folks at the "presidential debate commission" decided it might be a good idea to give the moderator lady for the, thank god, last debate a whip and a chair. so as to keep the combatants in line and abiding by the debate rules. about damn time. anyway, trump maintains that he won the debate. joe biden maintains that he won the debate. neither claim amounts to more than ridiculous braggadocio and the bottom line would be that the amerikan people lost the debate. in a rather fascinating turn of debate events, fox aired the thursday night football game. goes to show that the NFL has more pull these days than even a presidential debate. I don't really know if fox aired the debate and then joined the football game already in progress. I wasn't watching fox. to be honest I almost never watch fox for any reason. I just thought it rather surprising that the fox network would air football and not the debate that featured their favorite guy. that would be trump and not Troy Aikman. or Joe Buck for that matter. I did catch the last part of the football game and was a little surprised at fox's airing the game and blah blah blah. presidential debates or football games and television entertainment are not what they used to be. on an unrelated note, the pope and yes that's the catholic pope, has decided that the lgbtq's and whomever are entitled to get a civil sanction on their civil unions. the lgbtq's are not allowed to get married, just civilly sanctioned. it could be that the pope is merely trying to rile up amerikan catholics. amerikan catholics do get their panties in one tight wad at the mere mention of the lgbtq community's wanting anything. or asking to be acknowledged. or asking to be given a chance to live in peace. of course amerikan catholics are generally wound up tight on a good day. the only brand of religious intolerance that might be worse than amerikan catholics would be the klanvangelicals. the klanvangelicals are wound up so tightly, their mainsprings are about one half turn away from coming completely unglued. yes, the klanvangelicals are straight up insane. religiously insane and that's about the worst form of insanity one might possibly be inflicted with. conservative mooslims come close but the klanvangelicals win by more than a half length. yes it is a religious horse race. so much for friday fish and stuff. on to the important end of this and just about any other blog entry and that would be of course, machine art.

mexico -

walden -

there is a pond there but after I ran it through the machine, the pond sort of faded into obscurity. :]

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