Saturday, October 17, 2020

Halloween Countdown

 two weeks from today. of course today being October 17, 2020, that would make October 31, 2020 Halloween. go figure. there's going to be a blue full moon on Halloween no less. the moon will not actually appear as the color blue. blue moon is, evidently, just a catchy phrase. you know, once in a blue moon? pretty darn catchy but still, the expression makes very little sense. I could suppose you could google the expression to see if there's a root cause for the expression. yeah, one could. I'm not about too. I don't care. not really. there's bigger things to google up than a silly expression that probably has its roots in a song lyric. blue moon, paper moon, half moon, and this listing could go on for a ways. I'll not pursue the issue any farther than right about here. so...onward we go to the machine art part of this here Saturday morning drill. say, that's kind of catchy in it's own right. machine art part. I'd better trademark the phrase before someone else uses it. yeah...

ghostly dead guys -

mountain impressionism -

I cover it all right here. surrealism, cubism, impressionism, futurism, and some ism's that are best left unmentioned in polite company. yeah, like there's any polite company here. that's almost funny... :]

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