Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 DISCLAIMER - I did NOT watch the de-bait. I did however read this morning's news reports on the fiasco. the one take away from last night's debacle, you know the de-bait, is that trump threatened the American people with violence should the asshole lose this November's election. that's it. I'm of the opinion that Joltin' Joe should have walked across the stage and punched president pig heart square in his copious gut. now that would have made for some interesting television. trump told his 'proud boys' to be at the ready. did you know that 'we the people' are paying the Secret Service to "protect" this asshole? oh yeah, the great and inordinate deep pocket Amerikan taxpayer pays for this mess. oh...yeah...

boomtown -

and Ben (not to be inferred as Ben Franklin) -

that's all for now 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 the Great Precedential De-Bait & Switch With Accompanying Tax Scam! Tonight on just about every damn television network and station, it's The Amerikan Baboon versus Joltin' Joe The Hopeful Pretender! you really would rather, probably, be watching something if not anything else. However the networks and media moguls will jam this ridiculous bullshit down your throat whether you've a mind to believe or not. Amerika's ten hairs short of being a full fledged baboon will try to convince the Amerikan people that he really isn't a tax cheat or an asshole all the while Amerikans know full well exactly what the aforementioned asshole really is. he's an asshole. we all know that. anyway, nice guy Joltin' Joe will try to convince Amerika that he isn't just another second fiddle to no one. Joe was however second fiddle to Barrack. All in all, I'd rather have nice guy Joltin' Joe at the controls of Amerika's nuclear arsenal and not our knuckle dragging idiot we're stuck with at present. not only is trump an asshole, he's an asshole idiot. we're stuck with this asshat simply because and I can't state this clearly enough, Amerika hates Hillary. It's true and Amerika has hated Hillary ever since the days of Bubba. did you know that it was John Kerry that convinced Hillary to run for the Office? oh that's true. you see, Kerry had a bug up his keester for going down in flames in his election run against Dubya and Kerry wanted Hillary to "feel his pain." that's cold no doubt. anyway, I plan on watching reruns of The Munsters on MeTv so as to not have to endure anymore embarrassing moments with the baboon. and we'll move it onward from all this crap-o-la to truly meaningful if not substantive artistic bullshit. surrealistic bullshit to be quite specific.

drive -

into the night we'll ride.

and rails -

rails have been out of service for a long time. sort of like the grate Amerikan precedent. out of service and out to lunch... :]

Monday, September 28, 2020

monday by five

 some pan-dimensional imagery or, surrealism if you'd like, and it's monday. just another day in paradise. we're all living large. or something close to that. yeah, I've got nothing.

soft parade -

at the crack between the worlds -

okay so, maybe it's more like a hole. TTFN

Sunday, September 27, 2020

sunny day

 forecast for today is sunny with a chance of more sun later on. tomorrow will be sunny and then the day after that and the day after that. temps will be slightly below normal then slightly above normal. what is normal? these days it would seem that weird is normal. so for today the forecast calls for weird with a slight chance of more weird. tomorrow will be weird as will the day after tomorrow and then the day after that. only a slight chance of cooler weird and then a better than even chance that weird will be hotter than the weird shit for today. 

bridge over the river weird -

peering through a weird time hole -

so there you go for today's weird sunny day. :]

Saturday, September 26, 2020

the blah blah continues unabated

 yes indeed, the blah blah rolls on and I could suppose that virtually anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to the 'high court drama' since the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, would know for a certainty that trump was going to nominate a Scalia 'opus dei' disciple. Yes Amy Coney (island) Barrett is a member of the Catholic 'Opus Dei' society of flagellants. They like to whip themselves for being "sinners." They probably do more weird shit than that but and however, that's more than enough for now. el trumpo, america's "Supremely Dear Leader", will nominate Ms. Whippy this very afternoon at 5:00 p.m. and that would be eastern daylight time. It would seem that amerika's Supreme Court is being turned into a psychotic collection of religious freaks, misogynistic womanizers, liars, and outright shameless judicial frauds. Let's all give a shout out to Kavanaugh. Say hey grabby, how's it hanging? good lord, the political freak show will run through Saturday and on into a not so bright future amerika. on another less cheery note, Portland is hosting a gang fight this very evening between the 'proud boy' losers of the Pacific northwest and the antifa anti-fascists of Portland/Seattle. there will be an immediate police intervention just as soon as the two gangs start busting windows and setting fires. the pugilistic kids will be okay IF they just stick to busting each other up and not windows and buildings. should the bullshit get out of hand, well, Portland's military Gestapo will commence to taking names and shooting rubber bullets at whomever might be in the line of fire. there will also be copious amounts of tear gas, pepper spray, and heat rays wafting hither and yon for just about ALL Portlanders to live happily ever after with. on account of? whatever... yes the denizens of Portland prefer to call themselves Portlanders. I don't know why. I don't care to know why. anyway -

an imaginary city in New Jersey (I don't know why, I just lacked a title and went with that) -

a volcano in Japan (sort of a Monet homage) -

and remember if you're going out tonight for some Saturday night fighting, put a handful of grease in your hair.

Friday, September 25, 2020

empty as a pocket

 it is entirely possible that an entire nation is empty. I am of course referring to the U.S. of A.. amerika seems to have emptied itself of all the human values that matter. empty as a pocket. altruism, comfort for all those than might need a little comfort, compassion, empathy, human kindness, a list could go on for a ways. amerika these days is cold, cruel, deceitful, murderous, unjust, and we should not forget torturous and war criminally insane. a list that could go on and on for days. what happened to the amerika that was the world's ideal place to domicile? I could suppose that Nixon happened and Reagan happened and Bush happened and of course there's trump. oh pardon me for just a brief moment I needs a go spit...spit spit spit... I have to go outside to spit on account of if I spit in the house, well, it pisses my wife off to no end. so I gave that habit up. see? it is entirely possible to break an old dog of nasty habits every so once in a while. now don't get me wrong here, I'm not just about any of the ideal values I listed back up there a ways. however, I've grown into being able to see wrong when the wrongs are staring everyone directly in the face. amerika is wrong. maybe there's some hope left, somewhere, that amerika might just be able to reclaim a position of leadership in the world. I have some nagging doubts about the notion but hey, I've been wrong before. anyway, a fine and good Friday to everyone. and here's some graphic illustrations to highlight the Friday that is what it is.

empty -

butterflies -

there now isn't that sort of nice? well, partially nice. I slapped up some slightly altered butterflies...that's mostly nice. :}

Thursday, September 24, 2020

idle threats

 so el trumpo says that if he loses this November's election he's not about to leave the White House. I suppose the idiot is making a veiled threat for a civil war. anyway, should el trumpo lose the election and then refuse to leave the White House, well, send the F.B.I. to the White House and drag his sorry ass out of the White House kicking and screaming. I'm fairly certain that should el trumpo lose the election, Melania will have already packed up her shit, grabbed a hold of her el trumpo spawn and left for parts unknown. why in hell would Melania allow el trumpo to name their kid 'Barron'? that poor little fucker will suffer for that his entire life. November's election can't get here fast enough. I've had more than enough of trump, senators, congress in general, Covid-19 plague and the accompanying misdirections and intolerable lack of leadership, social distancing, Ellen DeGenerate, television overall, and the death of FM radio. damn that last part just sucks. so here comes some existential surrealism to lighten you day with bonhomie, good thoughts, rainbows, unicorns, dead whales that got themselves stranded, and ramen. evidently Japanese ramen noodles will fix just about anything. why, the ramen noodles will even fix your flat tires and jump start a dead battery. not.

surreal -

existential suffering and Breonna Taylor -

klangelical sporting events. TTFN :{

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

it's HUMP DAY!

 oh yes it is. we've reached that "middle" of the work week lovingly known as hump day. I'd cue the Geico camel but he's on break. go figure. so amerika is now "celebrating" 200,000 + deaths from the Covid-19. what an achievement. if trump hadn't had his head jammed up his ass and the stupid fuck had let the CDC properly do their job, well, we might have avoided any number of unavoidable deaths. yup, president asshole owns that. I read an article and I believe it was on the BBC webpage, that the 200,000 having died number is more than the number of amerikans killed in more than 5 of the wars amerika has been tangled in. ewww, that ought to count for something. shouldn't it? bullshit, more and ever more bullshit. 

Fuck it all, I came from nothing so my opinions don't count for more than about squat. so let us now move onward.

onward -

Japanese Americans interned...a national disgrace -

oh yeah and, we're having us some fun now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

full slate Tuesday

 Today is Tuesday September 22, 2020 and we've got it going on today. today is the first day of autumn and so we've just passed the autumnal equinox. won't be too very long and it will be winter. ain't not a damn thing can be done about that. today is 'national register to vote day' and I did not know that amerika needed a 'national day to register to vote day'. no I did not but, there it is. today also marks the 'official' start of election season. doesn't really matter that political campaigns actually started about a year ago. hell, if you factor trump into a political campaign scenario, well, that goofy freak has been about the business of re-election ever since the dumb ass was inaugurated back in 2017. first day of autumn, national voter registration day, trump, the Supremes, empty stadiums for football, and damn if we don't just have us a plate full of fresh bullshit. the football game last night which just so happens to have been known formally as 'Monday Night Football'. was played in front of an empty stadium. however the broadcast was playing loads of crowd noise. seems kind of strange to have a football game without any fans in the stadium and yet the broadcast was playing fan noise as if there actually were fans in the stands. more bullshit. the new 'Vegas' stadium must be a real beauty. after all, it's 'Vegas' and we all know that whatever happens in 'Vegas' stays in 'Vegas'. yeah...whatever. however fans being in 'Vegas' for a football game seems to have been some manner of Penn and Teller miraculous sleight of hand. no fans and yet an empty stadium full of crowd noise. we can blame that little 'mystery' on Disney/ABC/NFL. bullshit. okay and we should probably now get down to brass tacks. or machine art. or the promise of a hopeful illusion. I'm holding out for trump to catch the Covid-19 and cack. hey, I can have a dream...

first up would be a Van Gogh tree -

and next up would be an autumnal equinox sun...moon...whatever -

there you have it for a Tuesday. might slap more imagery on the blog here about later. or...maybe not.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Monday

 it was the best of times (no it wasn't), it was the worst of times (well...duh!), it was a day of foolish insanity... from Tale of Two Cities by Dickens. of course I changed some of it to suit my own personal agenda. oh yeah. hmmm, Dickens might have been having dreams about trump. maybe. I'm not certain that anyone ever asked him. Dickens and not trump.

so here it is just another manic Monday and gosh isn't today about any number of one liners and plagiarized bullshit. you see I can do that for the simple reason I can do that. oh yeah. I'm not sure what manner of insane bullshit will strike us all today and after all, it's Monday and weird shit seems to always happen on Monday. weird shit happens every other damn day but Monday seems to take the brunt of the weird shit. onward to the task at hand. machine art and surrealism.

really weird shit -

and some more weird shit with sociological meanings -

I'll leave it to any reader that might happen along to figure out which is what. :}

Sunday, September 20, 2020


A - you can enlarge any image I've posted on the blogger thingy by simply clicking on the image. I just discovered that. blogger still needs to fix the enlarging of an image drill in the draft stage.

B - I've coined a new phrase which is as follows...klanvangelical. however that seemed a snidge too long so I've shortened it to...klangelical. the term is to be used to describe the goofy damn christians that take to worshipping trump. trump could very well be the "antiChrist" as determined by the New Testament Book of Revelations. but if it turns out that trump isn't the antiChrist, well, the silly ass christians had better look the fuck out cause the next and possibly real one is going to be a doozer. my attempt at theology is purely theoretical and NO religious association may be inferred. or conjectured at. or what the fuck ever. hmmm, it seems that sizing of a font happens all on it's own. go figure. here's some 'BONUS' imagery just for fun -

thumbsies or something like that...

so long for now. :}

Sunday Sermonette

 yes people, it's Sunday and time for another sermonette to help your ravaged souls and offer some light in our rapidly darkening tunnels. well maybe not so much 'tunnels' as a global feedback loop that holds some rather ominous portends. see what I did there? I used a somewhat antique verb that defines itself as an ominous warning. the word portend? yeah, that's where the warning shit comes in. so...

in the beginning god said, "what's up people?' and then god determined that perhaps the people needed a bit more time to ripen and grow into some form of human civility. and so and as is glaringly obvious, god is still waiting.

okay that's about enough with the sermonette crap. how about that Covid-19? damn bug just won't quit or even come close to relenting even a little bit. but trump says there'll be a vaccine some time in April. of next year and that's IF the crazy freak can get himself re-elected. so let us all bow our heads and offer a prayer to god and/or whatever, that trump should catch the damn Covid-19 and cack. seems about as good enough a use for prayer as any other silly damn shit. here I was praying for RBG to be able to hang in there long enough for trump to get booted from office. so much for that. damn, Ms. Ginsberg's passing is about as dark a portend as I can think of. there I used the old verb again. I think the use is a verb usage. I'm no grammarian so hell if I can know for sure. can we know anything for sure? I mean these days, ain't about not a goddamn thing seems for sure. okay and enough blah blah blah. yeah I did already say that didn't I...

on to today's machine art and first up would be 'go ask Alice' and here it comes -

next we have -

that last image is in keeping with the dark and portending theme that's running today. TTFN :}

Saturday, September 19, 2020

another day at the racism

 so trump paid a visit to the National Archives on Thursday last. to be specific that would have been September 17, 2020. trump made a campaign speech that consisted of more patented blah blah blah. that was all a cover. you see trump was really at the National Archives to glean more Nazi documentation that's contained within the National Archives. nobody EVER talks about that nasty little slice of world war II the really big war. no they do not. anyway, trump in his ever persistent quest to drag America kicking and screaming into his twisted version of a Nazi Amerika, is looking for whatever he can find to further his private demented designs.

So it was at the National Archives where the trump people found out about the work of Josef Mengele who was also known in Nazi Germany as Herr Todesengel. What a piece of work Mengele was. twisted experimentation on humans and mostly Jewish humans. Sick freak! Mengele and not any Jewish people. well except for maybe Bibi the Butcher of Gaza. oh sorry, I digress. anyway, the trump people found the Mengele papers in the National Archives and passed those papers on to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. You see that is where the happy and obedient little storm troopers of ICE got the brilliant stroke of twisted genius to perform operations on the female migrants that are being held along Amerika's southern border. hysterectomies on those female migrants to be quite specific. also highly illegal and criminal on the part of the ICE Gestapo goons. I mean in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention. of course trump and his court of sycophantic gesticulating assholes could care less about treaties, international agreements, and of course the Geneva Convention. did you know that Amerika's 'shit-for-brains' president wants to turn the youth of Amerika into a junior league of trump Nazi youth? well he sure as hell intends to.

god ahmighty, the man is an asshole of historic proportions... spit spit spit!!! anyway let us move on to more civilized subjects. such as surrealism and the age of machine art. yup, that's me. hard at work at my machinery of artsy shit. for today -

line -

hands across the page -

hmmm, still can't enlarge my images. what the fuck Blogger? fix that gaddamn it!

oh yes and I damn near forgot...Rest In Peace Madam Justice. Our world is poorer on this dark day.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday to mourn

 mourn the passing of reasonable sanity across our sorely plagued Planet Earth. mourn the loss of innocence in the face of ignorant politicians. mourn the loss of our once green and lush Planet Earth. mourn the loss of scientific FACT! good god, people are actually celebrating stupidity. certainly does NOT leave us much to be joyful about. so one does what one can and that is not to say can can but, we'll give it our best shot.

shot -

castles made of sand -

hmmm, seems the "new" blogger won't let me enlarge these images. well, that's just bullshit!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

florals and a drive-in

 Let's all go to the drive-in and have ourselves a treat. oh yeah, back in the day I spent any number of days/nights at the drive-in. that's where just about all amerika went to see a movie. that was then and this is a straight up fucking nightmare. so I bought this Biden yard sign from off the Amazon thingy. a month ago. well, I'm still waiting for my yard sign and when I tried to get some answers from Amazon, well, you can't get in touch with Amazon for any reason. not to find out where my Biden yard sign might be at, not to offer up questions the crack 'customer service team' not to ANYONE! amazon is totally insular and all the fucks want is your money and the rest of it can and will get ignored and instructed, amazon is NOT responsible for that. judas if amazon doesn't just suck. well, after I found out the amazon tracking number and the USPS tracking number was all a fabrication, I lost my temper. doesn't happen all that often but when losing the old temper does happen, well, look the fuck out. when it goes, it is quite unseemly. needless to say I canceled my amazon account and instructed amazon they could delete my account and then kindly fuck off and die. yeah, it wasn't a pretty episode. no it was not. anyway, to bring amazon to their very unkind and user unfriendly knees, I'm writing this rather scathing review of their amazon bullshit. I'm still rather pissed off about the entire business or lack of business. either way. so for today it's floral and drive-ins

floral -

and drive-in -

okay and that is all for a Thursday. TTFN :}

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

what day is it?

it's Hump Day!!! of course and really, today is Wednesday September 16, 2020. however I really like the Geico camel and his discourse on Hump Day. Nothing really to report other than more smoke is filling the skies along the Wasatch Front, wildfire has burned up the hillside in back of the University of Utah, and the fire burned right along side the oh so precious 'U' that sits so lovingly on a hill. the 'U' is whitewashed and gleams like a, well, a whitewashed 'U'. go figure.
anyway and onward to the postings at hand.
loyalty is a dog named Fudge -

and a toocan. that's a bird with a gigantic bill -

so there you go. TTFN. :}

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

world burning and when comes winter

the West Coast is in flames. burning up like a stick match. climate change you see. prolonged drought and development in forests where, back in the day, there was no development. the fires are the result of any number of factors. at the top of the list is of course climate change. the world's climate has changed and not for the better. humanity is screwed. the climate change is more than likely irreversible. maybe things could have stood a chance fifty or sixty years back. people weren't listening then and people sure as hell aren't listening now. the prolonged drought is spreading across the North American continent from west to east and the drought will continue to spread until the entire North American continent is burned to a crisp. yeah, we had us a good with just a modicum of luck, we'll get some winter and possibly some snow. rain would help. oh well. so here's a burning graphic for everyone that could be prophetic and after that a prayer for winter.
we could use some rain if there were any to be had -

we could use some winter if there were any to be had -

problem is...there isn't any to be had rain or snow. terrible Tuesday. :{

Monday, September 14, 2020

another manic Monday

yup and just like that, Monday. creepy crap continues unabated. political bullshit seems to appear from out of nowhere. and then there's trump. what an asshole. of course all his little sycophants are assholes as well. why, it's appears to be an entire herd of assholes.
on another hand the wildfire smoke from the West Coast is back and couple that with the local wildfire smoke and I might just as well take up smoking again. there's absolutely no way I'm doing that again...ever but, the metaphor applies.
so it's on to imagery that somehow seem apropos for a Monday.
at a see shore -

and a floral bouquet -

the flowers are echinacea. go figure.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

swirling surrealism on a Sunday

we are all stuck in a seemingly endless feedback loop of insane surrealism. all the bullshit, which just so happens to be a global phenomena if not a pandemic in and of it's self, refuses to let up for even a brief moment in time. yes, that's a plug for Professor Hawking. I'm certain that Professor Hawking could work up a mathematical model for our current state of affairs but, the math might make about as much sense as all the crap we endure on a daily basis.
did you know that trump plans to go see the wildfire damage for himself on Monday? oh yeah, amerika's 'orange buffoon' is taking Air Force One, at taxpayer expense of course, out to California on the morrow and he'll get a grand tour for a first hand look. I'm wondering if Gov. Newsom will meet el presidente at wherever airport the Air Force plants our Air Force One back on Mother Earth. trump will first off, want to visit a local McDonalds for an egg mcwhatever and then get his whirlwind tour. trump will then be off to Southern California where he'll hit the SoCal repuglicans up for some campaign cash. trump isn't really concerned with the West Coast wildfires. our 'ten-hairs-short-of-being-a-baboon' president is going to California to collect money. for himself and NOT for any wildfire relief.
so football is back and, excuse me for yawning, the television networks that carry amerika's fascination with carnage are thrilled all the way to the bank. football is a very lucrative business for the owners, some players, and mostly never the fans. I gave up on football some years back. amerikan football is NOT the same as the football that just about the entire Planet is fond of. it's that old amerikan exceptionalism at work and on it's way to a hospital. football players tend to get beat shit during the course of a game. amerikan football players and not regular soccer players. soccer players do get hurt during the course of a match but not like amerikan football players. yeah, a soccer game is called a match. that's about enough sermonizing for a Sunday. on to posting some relevant imagery and first up is an untouched photag of how the wildfire smoke looks as the smoke makes its way to my house.
smoke -

and surrealist duck in portrait -

thus endeth the sermon on the pitch. :}

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Surreal Saturday

yes folks its surreal saturday and here about shortly I'll be posting up some genuine and almost for reals surreal imagery. anymore, just about any day is darn near surreal. what with trump, wildfire, pandemics, a strenuous flu, more trump bullshit, and then even more trump bullshit, it's all a bit much and certainly surreal. apocalyptically surreal. the smoke from wildfires burning on the West Coast makes its way to the Intermountain West and my house. the smoke stinks. burns the eyes. clogs the lungs. there won't be any way to measure the impact on young children until way later on and then it'll be too late. for the youngsters. goddamn, that's hardly fair. but given the mess humanity has made of the Planet, well, the youngsters will have way more to be bitter about than the effects of a Covid - 19 pandemic. Planet Earth's resources will be just about used up, burned up, tossed in the ocean, choked all the fish, poached all the land critters, and in general simply fucked the Planet Earth sideways. good luck kids. so here comes some saturday surrealism.
pandemic mask -

missed it by that much -

okay that should just about do it for now. TTFN :}

Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday all over again

 well here it is Friday and it seems like we just did that. I mean like last week. go figure. it is however September 11 Day and we should take a moment to remember those that were killed on that goddamn ugly day and all the ridiculous bullshit that followed. I mean Bushco and the wars of naked aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. how is it that dumb ass Amerikan presidents can get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity while every other dumb ass world leader that waxes genocidal on people have to stand trial? I mean, why is that? oh shit I forgot about that moment to "remember"...
okay that should just about do it. onward. I'm wondering how much longer el Presidente Asshole is going to wait before he sends the West Coast some federal help to fight their wild fires? hey el Presidente Asshole, how about a little help for the fire fighters. IF one of asshole's precious golf courses were under a fire threat, the son-of-a-bitch would have the entire federal government out on the fairways working bucket lines. god ahmighty, trump is a world class asshole and an insufferable prick. spit spit spit...
enough misery for a Friday. here's some pastoral posts to have something nice to lookit at for just a brief moment in time.
clouds -

some soothing surrealism -

okay, that's all for now.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

are you ready for some football?

those ever so rock em sock em boys wearing loads of padding are back for another season of megabucks for the team owners. occasionally one of the quarterback elite get rewarded for winning the really big one (super bowl of banality), and that quarterback elite will be rewarded to the tune of half a billion, and that is U.S.D.$$$, and holy gorgonzola that is a helluva load of money for throwing a football. yes Patrick Mahomes was that quarterback elite that cashed in like you wouldn't believe. actually it was the k.c. chiefs that bought the rights to Mahomes and his quite accurate arm for the next 10 years. maybe the chiefs will get ten years from Mr. Bucks IF the youngster can stay healthy for that long. quarterback elites in the n.f.l. don't usually last as long as ten years. oh well it's just more in an endless feedback loop of utter meaningless bullshit that is amerika.
so today is Thursday September 10, 2020 and the month is one third gone. won't be long before the christmas decorations go up all around retail amerika and retail amerika will be counting down the days until 'black friday' the big shopping extravaganza day after Thanksgiving Day. Which also means more football. judas h. priest the bullshit never ends. anyway it's throughly meaningless Thursday and here are some throughly meaningless posts about absolutely nothing. yup, absolutely...
sneaky surprise -

and knitting. nothing says harmless like knitting -

and there you go for a Thursday. happy knitting and football everyone. :}

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


yep, we had us a gaddanged hurricane, wind blowing like I've never seen the like of before. not here in the 'Land o' Zion', you see prior to the Angel Moroni throwing down his trumpet in sheer disgust, everyone living behind the Zion Curtain, mormon and non-mormon alike, lived in relative peace and harmonics. then the Angel Moroni got fed up with all the hypocritical bullshit being spread around the 'Land o' Zion' by mormons and non-mormons alike, and, and, the Angel Moroni tossed his trumpet on the ground from off'n his lofty perch and all bets were off then by gawd. Trees and some really dang old trees at that were plucked out the ground and shattered into little car smashing pieces. small dogs were ripped away from their hysterical owners and tossed hither and yon by the sheer force of the hurricane winds. yup. little doggies gone with the wind. which just might make for a powerfully gripping novel in some future time. you know, after the distraught owners of aforementioned ripped away little doggies get over their loss. power lines were down all over the place, power was out, couldn't brew up a cup of coffee and dang if'n that didn't just about suck. oh well. the storm seems to have passed onto the wrong side of the Rockies and the storm is now those 'other peoples' problem. glue your small doggies to the floor while there might be some time left. or maybe not. might be too late already. whoosh...
some artsy stuff to help people in suffering.
artsy one -

and sadness for folk mourning the loss of small dogs and children -

holy crap, did we have us a storm or what...

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Daze

folks aren't supposed to be working today. IT'S A FREAKING HOLIDAY. FOR THE WORKING PEOPLE! joke's on you and me and everyone that had to punch the old clock on a federal holiday. of course Congress is on "recess" for the holiday and trump is out on one of his precious golf courses. this is not about trump. the silly freak doesn't do any work on any day. enough of that. Labor Day special postings.
empty space -

and fish without chips -

and puppies! so cute -

be careful everyone and remember to mask up. :}

Sunday, September 6, 2020

once, twice, three times

yes my good friends, it's a one, two, count them three posts of artsy stuff. with it being Sunday and all, well, why not have a Sunday trifecta. or a Sunday trinity. get it? Sunday? trinity? sacrilegious? whatever. how about more along the lines of a kentucky derby won by the 'outsider' horse. yeah I love all those races where the one that was supposed to win didn't and the one that wasn't supposed to win did. except in the case of trump. damn if that wasn't about one colossal national fuck up. let us all hope that amerika isn't that stupid twice. there really aren't bets on the outcome of this election. however, this should be real exciting to watch. the election, the run up to the election, and all the days of endless litigation that will follow the election. all lawyers involved will make a bucket load of money and yes, you the great amerikan taxpayer will foot the tab for all of it.
okay and that's about enough sermonizing for a Sunday. on with the real good shit...
one -

two -

three -

thus endeth the sermon for today. :}