Saturday, September 12, 2020

Surreal Saturday

yes folks its surreal saturday and here about shortly I'll be posting up some genuine and almost for reals surreal imagery. anymore, just about any day is darn near surreal. what with trump, wildfire, pandemics, a strenuous flu, more trump bullshit, and then even more trump bullshit, it's all a bit much and certainly surreal. apocalyptically surreal. the smoke from wildfires burning on the West Coast makes its way to the Intermountain West and my house. the smoke stinks. burns the eyes. clogs the lungs. there won't be any way to measure the impact on young children until way later on and then it'll be too late. for the youngsters. goddamn, that's hardly fair. but given the mess humanity has made of the Planet, well, the youngsters will have way more to be bitter about than the effects of a Covid - 19 pandemic. Planet Earth's resources will be just about used up, burned up, tossed in the ocean, choked all the fish, poached all the land critters, and in general simply fucked the Planet Earth sideways. good luck kids. so here comes some saturday surrealism.
pandemic mask -

missed it by that much -

okay that should just about do it for now. TTFN :}

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