Friday, September 25, 2020

empty as a pocket

 it is entirely possible that an entire nation is empty. I am of course referring to the U.S. of A.. amerika seems to have emptied itself of all the human values that matter. empty as a pocket. altruism, comfort for all those than might need a little comfort, compassion, empathy, human kindness, a list could go on for a ways. amerika these days is cold, cruel, deceitful, murderous, unjust, and we should not forget torturous and war criminally insane. a list that could go on and on for days. what happened to the amerika that was the world's ideal place to domicile? I could suppose that Nixon happened and Reagan happened and Bush happened and of course there's trump. oh pardon me for just a brief moment I needs a go spit...spit spit spit... I have to go outside to spit on account of if I spit in the house, well, it pisses my wife off to no end. so I gave that habit up. see? it is entirely possible to break an old dog of nasty habits every so once in a while. now don't get me wrong here, I'm not just about any of the ideal values I listed back up there a ways. however, I've grown into being able to see wrong when the wrongs are staring everyone directly in the face. amerika is wrong. maybe there's some hope left, somewhere, that amerika might just be able to reclaim a position of leadership in the world. I have some nagging doubts about the notion but hey, I've been wrong before. anyway, a fine and good Friday to everyone. and here's some graphic illustrations to highlight the Friday that is what it is.

empty -

butterflies -

there now isn't that sort of nice? well, partially nice. I slapped up some slightly altered butterflies...that's mostly nice. :}

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