Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Monday

 it was the best of times (no it wasn't), it was the worst of times (well...duh!), it was a day of foolish insanity... from Tale of Two Cities by Dickens. of course I changed some of it to suit my own personal agenda. oh yeah. hmmm, Dickens might have been having dreams about trump. maybe. I'm not certain that anyone ever asked him. Dickens and not trump.

so here it is just another manic Monday and gosh isn't today about any number of one liners and plagiarized bullshit. you see I can do that for the simple reason I can do that. oh yeah. I'm not sure what manner of insane bullshit will strike us all today and after all, it's Monday and weird shit seems to always happen on Monday. weird shit happens every other damn day but Monday seems to take the brunt of the weird shit. onward to the task at hand. machine art and surrealism.

really weird shit -

and some more weird shit with sociological meanings -

I'll leave it to any reader that might happen along to figure out which is what. :}

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