Wednesday, September 9, 2020


yep, we had us a gaddanged hurricane, wind blowing like I've never seen the like of before. not here in the 'Land o' Zion', you see prior to the Angel Moroni throwing down his trumpet in sheer disgust, everyone living behind the Zion Curtain, mormon and non-mormon alike, lived in relative peace and harmonics. then the Angel Moroni got fed up with all the hypocritical bullshit being spread around the 'Land o' Zion' by mormons and non-mormons alike, and, and, the Angel Moroni tossed his trumpet on the ground from off'n his lofty perch and all bets were off then by gawd. Trees and some really dang old trees at that were plucked out the ground and shattered into little car smashing pieces. small dogs were ripped away from their hysterical owners and tossed hither and yon by the sheer force of the hurricane winds. yup. little doggies gone with the wind. which just might make for a powerfully gripping novel in some future time. you know, after the distraught owners of aforementioned ripped away little doggies get over their loss. power lines were down all over the place, power was out, couldn't brew up a cup of coffee and dang if'n that didn't just about suck. oh well. the storm seems to have passed onto the wrong side of the Rockies and the storm is now those 'other peoples' problem. glue your small doggies to the floor while there might be some time left. or maybe not. might be too late already. whoosh...
some artsy stuff to help people in suffering.
artsy one -

and sadness for folk mourning the loss of small dogs and children -

holy crap, did we have us a storm or what...

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