yes indeed, the blah blah rolls on and I could suppose that virtually anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to the 'high court drama' since the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, would know for a certainty that trump was going to nominate a Scalia 'opus dei' disciple. Yes Amy Coney (island) Barrett is a member of the Catholic 'Opus Dei' society of flagellants. They like to whip themselves for being "sinners." They probably do more weird shit than that but and however, that's more than enough for now. el trumpo, america's "Supremely Dear Leader", will nominate Ms. Whippy this very afternoon at 5:00 p.m. and that would be eastern daylight time. It would seem that amerika's Supreme Court is being turned into a psychotic collection of religious freaks, misogynistic womanizers, liars, and outright shameless judicial frauds. Let's all give a shout out to Kavanaugh. Say hey grabby, how's it hanging? good lord, the political freak show will run through Saturday and on into a not so bright future amerika. on another less cheery note, Portland is hosting a gang fight this very evening between the 'proud boy' losers of the Pacific northwest and the antifa anti-fascists of Portland/Seattle. there will be an immediate police intervention just as soon as the two gangs start busting windows and setting fires. the pugilistic kids will be okay IF they just stick to busting each other up and not windows and buildings. should the bullshit get out of hand, well, Portland's military Gestapo will commence to taking names and shooting rubber bullets at whomever might be in the line of fire. there will also be copious amounts of tear gas, pepper spray, and heat rays wafting hither and yon for just about ALL Portlanders to live happily ever after with. on account of? whatever... yes the denizens of Portland prefer to call themselves Portlanders. I don't know why. I don't care to know why. anyway -
an imaginary city in New Jersey (I don't know why, I just lacked a title and went with that) -
a volcano in Japan (sort of a Monet homage) -
and remember if you're going out tonight for some Saturday night fighting, put a handful of grease in your hair.
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