Monday, June 17, 2024

Wild Wild Fire

 Saturday June 15, 2024 marks the 'official' start of wildfire season. Yippee! Sunday morning June 16, 2024 and venturing out for Sunday morning errands and stuff, air is choking with smoke that burns your eyes and plays hell with your nose not to mention your lungs. Wildfires in California are sending neighborly smoke into our slice of the Mojave Desert and there isn't a dang thing can be done about that. So breathe deep the damnable smoke then wipe your eyes and blow your nose ... it is therefore wise to mask up when spending more than about a minute outside. The air is thick with smoke, dust, atmospheric crap-o-la from Las Vegas, and particulate icky that you can cut with a knife. I suppose that air you can cut a slice of is for now, a rather new normal and how about that. This is going to be one out of control wildfire season. Couple that with our out of control presidential election season, well, this summer might not be boring. So dispensing with 'yippee' news and views, it's time for Monday machined artware.

key we -

tweety -

symbols -

idea -

parasitic -

trumpy -

with the smoke and early summer heat, well dang, we've got it going on no doubt. I don't mind the heat and there's not much can be done about that. the smoke on the other hand is more of that illegal immigration crap. smoke from California is not welcome here. another dang thing there ain't about squat can be done. oh shit ... 😐

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