Sunday, June 23, 2024

Earth's Core Stops ... Everyone Falls Off And ...

 Yes my friends, this news is chilling and will change all life as we know it. The earth's inner most core is slowing down and scientists have known this for at least ten years. The science kids didn't want to start a panic. I get that. There is also the possibility that if the earth's core stops, well, the inner most core just might change direction and spin in the opposite direction it's been spinning for years and years. First off, IF the core ceases to do it's inner most core thing, we all of us shall be launched unceremoniously into space. Everything that's been cemented or nailed or attached to the ground with chains and binders will no longer produce the desired effect. If or when the earth's inner most core stops and reverses it's spin profile we will also no longer have to worry about gravity, wrinkling of human skin, flushing toilets, walking your dog, arguing with the neighbor, driving to work, and/or whatever it is one does with downtime. IF the earth's inner most core reverses direction, an unintended anti-gravity will quite obviously push every last one of us and just about all else off the surface of the planet. That's to include all the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, inlets, estuaries, reservoirs, and your swimming pool will be jettisoned into space and never to be seen or dipped in again. Well that is just going to suck no doubt. So have a nice day and it's now time for Sunday machined artware.

repose -

majestic -

mysterioso -

potamia -

tropics -

brooklyn -

hydra -

camus -

science kids are working on a solution to the core spinning conundrum. however, if the science kids can't devise a working solution better than the planet/asteroid collision perplexoid scenario ... we are genuinely screwed. 😐

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