Thursday, June 6, 2024

Blast Off

 From the days back when, a long time ago, I've been an avid fan of space flight. Of course way back then we were promised flying cars. I'm still waiting for flying cars. I'm of the opinion that "they" were lying to all of us and flying cars are not going to happen in my lifetime. Bummer. Anyway, Boeing got their leaky Starliner space can launched, finally, from Pad 41 Cape Canaveral Space Force Station Wednesday morning (06/05/2024) and there you have it. Once upon a time the "Space Force Station" was known as 'Kennedy Space Center' before that it was 'Cape Canaveral' and I'm not certain when this silly ass "Space Force Station" was added to the launch center. To be blunt here, America does NOT have a "Space Force" and will not have a "Space Force" in any realistic meaning of the term for sometime yet to come. Sounds kinda spiffy though. Buzz Lightyear will be heading to "infinity and beyond" at some point in a space/time continuum. Not real soon however. To a point here ... The Boeing Starliner is new, untested in space, evidently a bit on the leaky side which I'm quite certain is not a good thing for NASA, Boeing, the Starliner, and the astronauts inside riding high in the "liner." They aren't heading to infinity or anywhere else other than the ISS. The International Space Station. The astronauts will hang around the ISS for a week or so and then, hopefully, clamber back inside the 'Starliner' for the return to Earth. Hopefully is used here as a plea to the space gods to allow 'Starliner" to return to Earth WITHOUT burning up during re-entry. We've all witnessed those annoying and icky NASA tragedies turned bad space age disasters not just once but twice. Challenger exploded and the dearly departed from this mortal coil got to touch the face of god. IF you listened to Ronny RayGun. I watched that shit happen live in real time with my youngest son. Hey Bry, you wanna watch a blastoff and the space truck is carrying a for real teacher. Oh that was ever so ugly. Dad? What just happened? Then it was a Columbia during re-entry like a flaming crash cart gone out of control. Bummer one more time. So, here's my very real wish for NASA and Boeing ... get those astronauts back on the ground and in one recognizable human form. Now for Thursday machined artware.

not Dr. no -

a finger -

nukalur -

kristol -

react -

solo -

denial -

sprints -

I think the space kids are planning to spend about a week plus one day at the ISS doing "testing." checking for leaks I would imagine. and then the plunge back to our home world. good luck space kids ... you're gonna need all the luck you can glean from a week plus in space. 😐

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