Sunday, June 16, 2024

Are You In Need ...

 If you are in need of a machine gun? Well, the Supremes have made it possible for you to get a bump stock and then you can turn your AR-15 into a genuine shoot 'em dead machine gun. Golly ... thanks Supremes, bump stocks are exactly what America needs at the present. What with political tensions being frayed bare, political bigotry at boiling point, two presidential candidates that are worthless as teats on a boar hog, and we've got us the potential for civil war that will rival just about any of the first civil war battles and it's not even November. You see the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Friday last issued one of the Court's more really lame rulings that removes the federal ban on bump stocks. That federal ban on bump stocks was a ban invoked by donny 'golden showers' trump and that jumps up as a bit of a surprise. You know on account of the majority republican jurists entrenched on the Supreme Court bench. The current incarnation of Supremes will go down in legal history as being scary as anything the Inquisition managed to scrawl in the annals of record. Everything the Supreme Court does goes into the Congressional and Supreme Court record. The Supreme legal bozos have already struck down the Roe v Wade abortion rights for American women and that isn't even the last thing that will unfold for America. There are several rulings waiting on the Supremes to be released and those rulings will only stir our simmering pot no doubt. Alrighty then, we'll now turn to our Sunday machine artware installment and hope for the best. And/or ... whatever.

2024 -

nightly -

riders -

venice -

window -

comity? -

desire -

georgi -

so with those damnable bump stocks back on the american market, won't be too very long and we'll have us another mass shooting and there's something we can all look forward to. 😐

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