Friday, June 7, 2024


 We hit it. The 110 degrees Fahrenheit and 1% humidity. That equals a heat index of  99 degrees Fahrenheit and that's not so bad. We hit the 110 about two or so weeks earlier than last year but what the hell. Hot is hot and our hot isn't as bad as 98 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity of 40% as that equates to a heat index of an uncomfortable 105 sticky really sticky degrees Fahrenheit. The weather is about all the comfortable topics for conversing over. Politics is entirely too freaking hot to even touch. It would seem that our world isn't happy unless there is an ample load of bloodletting atrocity happening just about anywhere one might care to look. Don't look at Gaza. Holy shit the scale of atrocity at the hands of those smiting  Israelis includes and is not limited to blowing the heads off children. Young children. Blasting families to bloody little pieces that require a non-physically violated relative to pick up torn and shredded body pieces to place in a shoe box for an almost respectable burial. Goddamn that makes for an ugly slice of video. Yes there's video. So you see, 110 degrees Fahrenheit isn't bad to keyboard about and not at all. Now for Friday machined artware. All I am saying is ... give peace a chance?

sulfur -

medusal -

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captive -

cheese -

travel -

3rd -

cube -

the human species owns a remarkable historical record of acts of inhuman violent cruelty that has no match on our Planet Earth. now there's something to brag about. or not ... 😐

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