Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Sun Is Gonna Flip And ...

 Our sun is going to flip its magnetic polarity. That's according to solar science guys and gals that keep track of details such as magnetic polarity and happenings like that there. I'm not certain that regular American people (he/she/they/them) will even so much as notice. The flipping process takes a couple of years so it isn't like we regular folk will notice. So with the sun fixing to do some flipping scenario, El Niño is fixing to go all El Niña on everyone ... wait ... that just might be the other way around ... hmmm ... never mind about that. We of course have all manner of doom and war and screaming outrageous genocide and nasty ass political chicanery and how about we fuck all that and I'll just skip to the Saturday machine art. Sounds reasonably acceptable to me. 

timothy -

suited -

pier -

puritan -

yorick -

zeti -

craft -

outcast -

it's been a very long time since I've seen hostilities around our America at such a fevered pitch. way back in the sixties you got to see riots in the street, protests met by hardhat followers of Nixon, antiwar protests against LBJ, and that led ultimately to Watergate and damn if that wasn't some fun. donny 'golden showers' trump will reinstate the draft IF he wins the 2024 election. kids will simply love the draft. 😐

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