Saturday, November 25, 2023

Targeted ... O M G !!!

 The Mormon Home-world is being targeted by "alien cosmic rays" and the attack in question has actually been documented by the Telescope Array Observatory in Utah. The Mormon Home-world is better known as the totalitarian State of Utah and the TAO is owned and operated by the University of Utah. The TAO is strategically located in the West Desert of Utah and is located safely inside a military reservation that gets used for all manner of U.S. military shit and "other secret government thingies." The 'U' has been given charge of this very important space study on account of 'aliens' have been targeting the Mormon Home-world for quite some time now. That occurrence is reason enough to explain in scientific terms what the hell is wrong with the State of Utah and just about everyone living in Utah and every last Mormon that happens to be wandering our Planet at any given moment. This recent cosmic ray assault is heralded as one of the most POWERFUL cosmic ray assaults ... well ... just about ever. One of the Utah based victims, Sen. Mikey Lee (Retarded - Utah) is evidently one of the most affected by these cosmic ray assaults. That certainly would explain why Sen. Mikey is so gosh darned ignorant. I've always figured his ignorance was a genetic disorder that comes with being inbred. Oh well and so it goes. 

Now for Saturday machine art. 

I don't live in Utah anymore so, I'm most likely safe from cosmic ray bombardment. Well except the cosmic ray bombardment that is the per usual out here at the Northwest entrance to our wonderful world of Mojave Desert.

messiah -

lensing -

stig-motto -

attitude -

boom -

the end -

did you know that you too can become a Mormon? all you need do is ask for a "missionary", promise to ante up 10% of all you own for all time, take on four maybe five "sister wives". and swear allegiance to the Mormon Profit. sounds simple enough ... go ahead on ... I dare you. 😏

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