Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bitch Fight!

In sad entertainment news, Daryl Hall and John Oates are locked in a "bitter feud" over some dang perceived slight and therefore lawsuits, restraining orders, and cat scratches appearing mysteriously out of nowhere are being dutifully reported by muck rags and other Hollywood related purveyors of bullshit. In case you might not remember who in hell might Hall and Oates be, well, the 'rock' duo has been out of the public limelight for quite some time now. Well they're back now and the headlines are not flattering. The reporting made no details public other than Hall is suing Oates, Oates is counter suing Hall, and Hall offered up a full broadside with a "restraining order" and a resounding "fuck you John!" I'm will to bet and being not in a need to know grouping, this dust up is about money. The feuding duo are even inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and that happened back in 2014. I wonder who'll get the Hall of Fame accolades after their divorce settlement. Provided Hall and Oates can come to a mutually agreed upon division of property. Or money. Whatever ... Now for Friday machine art and luckily there will be no restraining orders. Not yet anyway.

hand -

elegance -

sonia -

tattooed -

stellar -

look -

I've never understood why celebrities and those other pompous types seem to always end up in a bitter dispute of some manner and then ... they're gone. pity ... 😏

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