Sunday, November 19, 2023

Bet You Never Gave This A Second Thought

 Did you know that NASA, America's space agency, can now track your farts? This report is NOT to be taken as comedy. This is an admitted to fact by NASA. Dang ... who knew? I suppose that a bit of context is necessary to the construction of this wee bit of screed. Context - NASA launched a satellite back in July 2022 and this satellite is known as 'EMIT' an imaging spectrometer and the acronym is for Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation. Obviously EMIT rolls off the tongue a helluva lot easier than the 'official' name. So, the satellite has "proficiency surprising its designers" and evidently that is a good thing. For NASA but not however for people who worry about flatulence. There is one hard fast rule concerning the human species and every other species of life on Planet Earth. Everyone farts. I fart, you fart, President Joe farts, the grand ayatollah of Iran farts, cows, dogs, cats, birds, fish, ducks, ducks fart under water by the way, and flowers probably fart but their pleasant fragrance sort of masks the obvious. So and anyway, NASA had hoped their 'EMIT' satellite would help them track sources of minerals, pollutants in our air, and "other" things that NASA is interested in knowing. Detecting methane (methane is what farts consist of) was not part of EMIT's primary mission, but the instrument's designers did expect the imaging spectrometer to have the capability. Man did it (the satellite) ever. So next time you've a need to break wind look up, smile, and then wave pleasantly to our orbiting satellites that can now track your every burp and all the other ancillary bodily out gassings that are a natural occurrence. 

This may seem like a cruel hoax but wait, the article is from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and here's the "official" link to prove that I'm not kidding. Sort of makes the subject all the more comedic and here's the actual link -

I about fell out of my chair laughing while I read the report. You'd think that at my age I would have grown out of juvenile laughing at fart jokes. You would be wrong to assume that. I do love good fart humor and this one comes with the imprimatur of NASA. Damn is that funny or what... 

Now for Sunday machine art.

twilight -

quantum -

necklace -

utopia -

window -

expanse -

did you know that if a cow does not break wind over several days or even worst case scenario several weeks, that cow will explode? 😏

fart hardily mi amigos ... NASA will appreciate your contribution to science.

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