Friday, April 21, 2023

"Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly"

 To put that whiz-fancy hi-tech jargon that spewed forth from Elon Musk's SpaceX, Musk's super 'heavy lift rocket' that is on paper anyway the biggest rocket ever...went ka-blammy shortly after liftoff. Musk's rocket was simply one titanic firecracker. The rocket exploded and it's probably a good thing this first launch was unmanned. Had Musk's rocket been a manned mission, well, the SpaceX guys would be scrapping bodies off the Texas countryside for miles and miles and then some more miles. I think the Musk SpaceX rocket launch failure is absolutely funny as any explosion can be. Here's a quick screen grab of Musk's rocket going all to shit courtesy of Getty -

In other hysterically funny news, trump got his ass "rebuked" by a sitting New York judge on account of trump playing cutesy with one of the numerous lawsuits that trump is facing at present. It's really not a good idea to play cutesy with any sitting judge. I can assure the reader of that notion. Judges don't like games in court. You'll get your ass slammed in a sling with a quickness you'll find astonishing. Now it's time for Friday machine art. We'll be leaving all judges in peace for the present. Clarence Thomas will be dealt with in the not-so-distant future. Thomas is a greater threat to American democracy than trump. 

patrician -

surrealist Dali -

atomic bookmobile -

river runs thru -

trump is teetering on the edge of contempt of court. America's recurring nightmare of an ex-president could be behind bars sooner than he ever dreamed possible. if only...☺

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