Saturday, March 25, 2023

So You Wanna Rock Your Taylor Swift?

 Taylor Swift recently had a pricing dispute with TicketMaster over what TicketMaster was (is?) charging fans for a ticket. I read a piece on one of the websites that indulge in that form of financial abuse, that Swift tickets were priced at about $3600.00. For one ticket. Damn if that doesn't seem outrageous. I can remember back in the day I went to see Vanilla Fudge and Led Zeppelin was the opening act. Tickets were five bucks. Yup. I didn't know at the time who in hell might Led Zeppelin be. I knew who they were after the show. My point is, show tickets and concert tickets are overpriced in the extreme. Compare five bucks to three thousand six hundred bucks for one ticket. Holy not about to buy into that shit! One more point needs to be made here, I googled up to find the actual ticket price for a Taylor Swift concert in Vegas and the tickets are 'only' three hundred and six dollars and "up." I suppose that three hundred and six dollars for a nosebleed seat aren't near as bad as a ticket priced at three grand plus. The only band that has EVER played anywhere on Planet Earth worth paying more than five bucks to see would be Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd doesn't actually perform anywhere not anymore. Oh yes and with that being said, Roger Waters can suck it. But then so can Taylor Swift. Not a fan no way no how. Now for Saturday's machine art. 

broken -

orange as in clockwork -

cascade action -

plank tea, not earl gray -

I suppose that should Swift decide to perform her concert naked, well, maybe the price of three hundred and six dollars might be worth forking over. but then Vegas used to have all nude reviews just about any day of any week. what happens in Vegas back then is NOT what happens in Vegas today. 😖

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