Thursday, March 23, 2023

Is It Live Or Is It...

Oumuamua, our friendly interstellar visitor that hit the headlines a while back can now be pronounced as a nonlife visitor. Astrophysicists are still puzzling over the odd shaped visitor from another galaxy. It (Oumuamua) seems cigar-shaped or may be shaped like a pancake. Okay, brainiac guys which is it? Cigar-shaped OR a pancake? You get no answer to that pressing question. Figures. However, the astrophysicist brainiac guys have figured out what the 'thing' used for propulsion. Oh yeah, the really smart guys can't figure out our visitor's shape but they've come up with a scientific postulate for how the dang thing was traveling through space. Interstellar space. Gas. Yup, good old gas. Hydrogen gas. Or possibly Oumuamua was driving on regular gas from back in the day when gasoline had the lead in it. That really sweet smell of leaded gasoline. Oh yeah, take me home on country roads in a cruiser fueled with leaded gasoline. But I seem to be off-topic. Anyway, Oumuamua to this day has the brainiac types scratching their astoundingly smart heads and that's exactly how things should be. What fun is a Cosmos without strange things that buzz by our Planet Earth and just offer a smile and a wave? Not much fun at all. Now for Thursday's machine art.  The captain of the Oumuamua had his crew simply smile and wave and wave.

herons -

clouds -

cranes -

ghost of Sigmund -

I think that the Oumuamua thingy was an interstellar probe. The aliens had to come and see for themselves what is up with Planet Earth and all that goddamn noise being broadcast into space.

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