Monday, January 23, 2023

Go To A Lunar New Year Celebration...Get Killed

 Chinese Lunar New Year is off to a murderous start. The 'Year of the Rabbit' turns out is actually 'year of the automatic pistol'. Isn't that simply special? Yes I do believe that is truly extra special. Extra specially insane. I could suppose that with the Chinese Lunar New Year kicking off on the night of a new moon, moon madness is in fact gun madness. Of course the madness includes an automatic pistol with those extra fancy extendo-clips. Of course not a damn thing will be done to bring the numbers of mass murdering gun shootings to an end. By the way, the number of mass shootings with dead Americans outnumbers the days of January 2023. 33 mass shootings with murders and wounded and January isn't over yet. The incidents of mass shooting violence is off to a rest in peace (?) start. It's starting to seem as if people can't go out to an event anywhere without gun violence bringing celebrations to a screaming halt. As a public service notice, if you hear gun and cover. Cover the youngsters first. Now for Monday machine art. 

stasis -

fan tasia -

Lunar New Year Martyrs -

finite -

platitudes -

I suppose that the federal government is going to have to issue bulletproof jackets to every last American man, woman, and child. anyone holding a legitimate green card would receive one as well. 😡

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