Monday, January 2, 2023

Clean Sweep And Trapped In Space

 Day two of 2023 and humanity is facing a clean slate, almost, for now anyway. Just about all the bad things were washed clean with the new year. The big news besides Russia's illegal war of naked aggression on Ukraine, would be the news that ALL the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (I.S.S.) are trapped inside the ISS with absolutely NO way to get back to Planet Earth. Dang if'n that don't about suck. Well suck it does and yes the astronauts and cosmonauts are trapped aboard the ISS and the Russian "escape module" has sprung a leak and is now useless. Nope, they can't be a using the old Soyuz to get off the ISS and back on terra firma. You see with the Russian return to Earth thingy blowing a hole in it's shell, it leaked all the get back to Earth air required to survive in space and the fiery return to home. And no there isn't any manner of backup plan for a safe return. To get back to Earth. Oh yes that just about really sucks. NASA, ESA, and the Russian space guys are scratching their collective heads and working hard at a solution to get everyone back home and safe. You see once more, this has always been one of those nagging and pesky situations that all the space guys tend to kick down the road and mostly refuse to even acknowledge. Well they sure as hell can't kick the old space can down any damn road and a solution just might fall to Elung Musk and his SpaceX band of merry mechanics for a quick remedy. Pity The 'eh' is Canadian for "we tried to tell you guys about this way back when and y'all just sort of laughed at our Canadian solutions. So and now...take! That is if you've something up your collective sleeves that might actually work." as in... take off eh? Now for some Monday and the "official" New Year's Day machine art with college football games pending from the real New Year's Day which was just about on yesterday. The 'day off' deciders need to quit jerking the holidays around. Our world worked just dandy back when holidays fell on their respective calendar dates. Sorry...machine art -

Ms. American Pi -

she's a rainbow -

Pandora's Light Box -

picturesque -

I suppose the astronauts and cosmonauts could just throw the old ISS in reverse. I'm thinking the station would almost drop smooth out of orbit. I concede that idea might be messy but it might work...maybe. 😏

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