Tuesday, January 31, 2023

So The Combatants Are...

The Stupid Duper Super Bowl 2023 will feature the Philadelphia Eagles against the Kansas City Chiefs. The Kansas City football team using the tag of "Chiefs" is culturally appropriate. The Washington Redskins were forced to change their team name on account of using the tag 'redskins' should be considered culturally inappropriate. I can also suppose that the "Chiefs" is in no fashion to be connected to the Santa Fe Railroad's 'Super Chief'. The 'Super Chief' was a locomotive and a really spiffy locomotive back in the day. I don't know which team will be featured as the "home team." I sort of don't care. The game will be played on February 12, 2023. February 12 is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Back in the day Abe's birthday was an actual and for reals federal holiday. HOWEVER some political hack legislated the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1971 and that put Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays to be celebrated as Presidents Day. Congress did that to accommodate retailers and their 'birthday' sales bullshit. Yes America has always been about money. Now for Tuesday machine art.

big guns -

mythos -

conceptual -

floral -

equestrian -

in utterly useless NFL news, the Green Bay Packers are planning to ship QB Aaron Rogers off to the highest bidder. yes NFL players are routinely bought and sold on the open NFL market. of course the players are not slaves. yeah yeah...sure sure. 😱

Monday, January 30, 2023

Entropy Of A Down

Physicists are attempting to explain 'time'. Evidently it's possibly to affect the present and the future but not the past. Gosh...no shit? Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll (some manner of brainiac guy) also insists that "entropy" is a thing humanity needs to have a worry over. ??? I've never really had any concerns about 'entropy'. Entropy is a natural state of things (universal?) as things start out with "low entropy" and in the end..."high entropy." Alrighty then. Disordered, disarrayed, discombobulated, and all manners of "AFU." (AFU is a commonly used acronym for 'all fucked up'.) Physicists should stick with regular vernacular and they could possibly be taken seriously by we little people that are barely above being knuckle dragging Neanderthals. Possibly and "theoretically" regular folk might be grasping at notions such as entropy but I think probably not. Whatever. Now for some Monday machine art without the notion of entropy trying to mess up a Monday.

transformative -

our dog (ahhh... ain't she cute?) -

covert -

memory -

the protective gear memory is wearing is for when 'entropy' goes full contact. 😯

Sunday, January 29, 2023


 And on the Seventh Day God said..."are you ready for some football?" Now for that seventh day or Sabbath Sunday OR just plain old football. Playoff football. Swill beer, scream at the television, throw spit wads at the big screen, ignore the children, it's the American way. Now for Sunday machine art.

mariner -

pontifex maximus -

ready player 42 -

serendipity -

gilded cage -

white bird in a gilded cage on a winter's day...alone. 😔

Saturday, January 28, 2023


I've been reading Spike's book titled 'Spare' and it turns out a quite interesting read. I now know more about the British royals than I did prior to reading the book. I didn't really know much at all. At least I know more now than back then. Spike's book is worth the time spent. My one real conclusion taken from 'Spare' is that the British monarchy is a real dysfunctional mess. Hopeless mired in centuries of dysfunction. Petty, shiftless, racist, misogynistic, elitist, arrogant, and not very bright. If one has a falling out with the British royals there is a very real chance the sorry soul on the outs will end up cacked and brutally so. So it turns out Prince Charming is a sick and vacuous Disney myth. Did you know that Walt Disney is dead? Well he sure as hell is. Probably for the best. I'm thinking that Walt might not be too keen on how his dreams of fantasy turned into a corporate money grubbing hydra. Now for our Saturday machine art. None to soon I would add.

tunnel and not the one in Paris -

 Point Reyes -

golden gate the bridge -

taxidermy -

taxidermists use glass eyes. gives the dead thing being stuffed and mounted an almost real appearance. almost. 😕

Friday, January 27, 2023

M & M's What?!?

 The little cartoon M & M's candy guys are being retired. What did the candy spokes guys do? They've evidently stepped on Tucker Carlson's toes and Carlson went apeshit insane on the makers of M & M candies and demanded that the little cartoon candy guys be sent into advertising oblivion ne'er to be seen or heard again. What the fuck??? It needs to be stated quite clearly here that Carlson is an asshole of biblical proportions and the miserable little toad needs to shut the fuck up. Cartoon candies will, if you take Carlson's word on anything, undermine the very foundations of American society, America's children, and feebleminded adults throughout our America. You see America's constitutional first amendment does NOT apply to cartoon candy spokes guys. The first amendment is a convenient screen that Carlson hides behind just about every waking moment he barks barrels of bullshit from his Fox altar of hypocrisy. Did I mention Carlson's being an asshole? I'm being redundant on purpose. Now for Friday machine art. The crap-o-la over the M & M guys isn't over. Not by a long shot.

Frank N. Stein -

fantasy window -

kaleidoscopic -

squad not squid -

the M & M guys will be replaced by Maya Rudolph. that is acceptable however, Ms. Rudolph walks onto the M & M stage that is mired in controversy. fucking Carlson, what an asshole!!!!! 😡

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Sauce For A Goose(?)

 Pontifex Maximus Francis says that homosexuality is NOT a crime. The Pontifex Maximus Francis does however insist that homosexuality is a sin. I'm glad old Ponti cleared that up. In other news, Planet Earth will have a very close encounter with a previously undiscovered asteroid... today. The asteroid will take a quite close swipe at our shining little blue rock and there are satellites being moved from their respective orbits to make sure none take a direct hit. From that passing asteroid. NASA has known about this encounter for a while now but didn't want to raise the issue out of fears of causing a global panic. People panic at news of an imminent asteroid strike? Nah...that almost never happens. Lastly and wrapping up the news schtick, the Earth's innermost core has stopped spinning. Yup. Earth's magnetic polarity is about to switch. North Pole will switch south and South Pole will switch north. The old magnetic switcheroo is imminent. The downside to our magnetic polarity switching is that when Earth's innermost core ceases it's relentless spin, the Earth will no longer have gravitational pull and we'll all simply float carefree off into space. I've always wanted to travel to space. I didn't actually think that travel to space would be as described. Thursday machine art is up next.

outrage in abstract -

cyborg cotillion -

arctic twins -

Lon -

one of these days our Earth is going to take a direct hit. by an errant asteroid or polarity switching inner core or maybe a runaway black hole. however, don't hold your breath waiting for an apocalypso. you'll just pass out from lack of oxygen. ☝

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Hmmm...Imagine That

 Dateline...some dang were in Kansas. Guy is out hunting with his dog and of course, loaded shotgun. Guy prepares to head for fresher hunting grounds, puts his gun in back of his truck, loads his dog into back of truck (most trucks these days have seats in the back), hunter loads dog into truck. Dog walks on shotgun and shotgun goes off and hunter behind the wheel of truck is shot dead. Charges against the dog are "pending." Rule number one - never EVER put a loaded shotgun in the backseat of truck with an active dog. Hunting dogs are active for certain. Rule number two, never consider that any shotgun is unloaded. Check the chamber. Rule number three, do not violate rules number one and number two. NEVER! Guy is dead and that pretty much is the whole story. Now for Wednesday machine art.

mineral falls -

 wistful days -

futility in abstract -

industrial park (?) -

there is good news surrounding the dog shoots hunter story. there were no birds or anything else killed on the hunting trip. just the hunter. 😏

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mass Shootings As Olympic Sport

 Three more mass shootings as of YESTERDAY! Good god ahmighty, the American people seem to have lost all touch with simple reality. Too many guns, too many insane freaks, too many politicians that encourage acts of idiotic violence. Not all Americans buy into this bullshit but there are enough screwballs running loose with guns and those guns are loaded. Loaded with enough firepower to murder and main the innocent. This shit MUST END!!! Now for a mournful Tuesday's machine art.

Geneva -

harbor -

heart -

Oxnard -

Venice...it's sinking -

as soon as some dumb ass congressperson gets brutally murdered by gun violence...THEN things just might change. until then get your affairs in order, kiss your loved ones like it might be the last time you get to be with them, and then walk out your door and kiss your ass goodbye. 😡

Monday, January 23, 2023

Go To A Lunar New Year Celebration...Get Killed

 Chinese Lunar New Year is off to a murderous start. The 'Year of the Rabbit' turns out is actually 'year of the automatic pistol'. Isn't that simply special? Yes I do believe that is truly extra special. Extra specially insane. I could suppose that with the Chinese Lunar New Year kicking off on the night of a new moon, moon madness is in fact gun madness. Of course the madness includes an automatic pistol with those extra fancy extendo-clips. Of course not a damn thing will be done to bring the numbers of mass murdering gun shootings to an end. By the way, the number of mass shootings with dead Americans outnumbers the days of January 2023. 33 mass shootings with murders and wounded and January isn't over yet. The incidents of mass shooting violence is off to a rest in peace (?) start. It's starting to seem as if people can't go out to an event anywhere without gun violence bringing celebrations to a screaming halt. As a public service notice, if you hear gun shots...duck and cover. Cover the youngsters first. Now for Monday machine art. 

stasis -

fan tasia -

Lunar New Year Martyrs -

finite -

platitudes -

I suppose that the federal government is going to have to issue bulletproof jackets to every last American man, woman, and child. anyone holding a legitimate green card would receive one as well. 😡

Sunday, January 22, 2023

If They've Got A Warrant...

 President Joe had his home in Delaware raided and searched by the F.B.I.. Imagine that. Not even presidents of these here United States of America are above the law. Did you hear that trump? You sleazy reprehensible and traitorous son of a bitch! However...President Joe, what in hell are you doing with 'classified documents' at your house in Delaware? Bad form President Joe, really really bad form. I can only hope this was some manner of mistake on the part of one of your staffers. Hopefully. However, this is some bad juju. After all in these our postmodern times, appearances are just about everything. Now for our Sabbatical machine art.

happy -

sword of Testostaclese -

requiem -

no sweat (apologies to Python) -

Sid -

America has a thing with politicians...the dumb fucks seem to never learn. not even when caught redhanded. 😠

Saturday, January 21, 2023

On A Silver Platter

 The trump got his ass handed back to him by a federal judge. It seems U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks concluded that Trump undermined "the rule of law" with a string of lawsuits filed to air political grievances. Judge Middlebrooks fined trump and one of his lawyers $1 million dollars each. This is trump and a million dollars doesn't seem near enough of a fine to tweak trump's nose but it is a start. Judge informed trump that his lawsuit should have never been brought. The lawsuit was against Hillary Clinton and just about all of America knows how trump detests the Clintons. The trump was pressed for a comment after being excoriated by Judge Middlebrooks and trump didn't say shit. This is all too freaking funny. Now for Saturday machine art. 

cause we've ended -

lonely -

quantum -

wild herding -

so an old saying goes something like this...karma bitch! there's more to come. ☺

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Inane Antics Of Testosticles

 Today is my birthday. Yup. Another year older and maybe not too far from the end. I can almost relish the notion of ending this existence. I have questions about what's on the "other" side. That is IF there's "another" side. Anyway today I'll go out for Mexican food, there's a real authentic and delicious Mexican restaurant here in my slice of the Mojave, and I'm about making a pig of myself already. So happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy happy birthday to me and blah blah blah. Now for that Friday machine art installment.

clock in the hall -

bridge to... -

ready for that closeup -

I eye -

gratefully dead -

there is one thing about birthdays, it is worlds of better to have a birthday than to not. think it through. 😉