Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hockey Shall Save Us

 If you happen to be sick of election coverage, well, there's always hockey. I found a hockey game on Tuesday night and the game was a breath of fresh television viewing. I absolutely was not about to watch the endless prattle and ridiculously contrived bullshit that is Election Day coverage by the media outlets that fill television channels with nonsense, contrived nonsense, conjectural nonsense, and enough blah blah blah to clutter the airwaves. Almost like a stranglehold on today's modern human. So I simply kept perusing the channel guide until I found a hockey game. Edmonton Oilers against Tampa Bay Lightning. Looks like the Oilers will take out the Lightning with very little effort. I'm pounding out the Wednesday installment of skulzwerks on Tuesday evening and avoiding any and all network crap-o-la. Now for the Wednesday machine artistry. I not so sure that the elections will change much. Won't really matter who wins what. Washington D.C. will remain coated in corrupt grease and the representation that matters is who, or whom, has the biggest pile of expendable cash. Machinery -

in loving memory of John -

werewolves of West Covina -

Lucifer Morningstar -

Teletubbies -

politics and mostly American politics is nothing more than money money and then more money given out lavishly to whomever has the biggest hand. 👤

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