Saturday, November 26, 2022

Adopt A Pansy...

 Some-Dang-Where, Texas...a tattoo artist in Texas and exactly where in Texas is a closely guarded secret, is offering to tattoo anyone willing to pony up $500.00 to an unnamed charity (I don't know why so much of this article is missing any number of important details), and after the ponying up of the "donation" the tattoo artist will tattoo on a "pansy." You know, the flower name of 'pansy'? The tattoo guy is openly gay, good on him, and is doing the pansy tattoo thingy to raise money and awareness of "queer people." Way back in the day, "pansy" was an offensive term for gay and lesbian people. The article by the way is on the NPR webpage. Picture and everything but no particular details. Evidently the LGBTQ community still to this day needs secrecy. Seems damn intolerant that people can't be really open and upfront about their choices in life. In other totally irrelevant news, the trump had some kind of eating contest down at Mar-A-Lago with sleazy Ye and some white racist fuckhead name of something Fuentes. Evidently sleazy Ye was hanging with the Fuentes freak and considering that the sleazy Ye is batshit insane, there's not much of an explanation as to why old KanYe is hanging with a white nationalist christian gun freak. The trump had the guys over for Big Macs with fries and a vanilla shake. Fuentes seems a rather odd last name for a white supremacist christian nationalist whack job. I'm just saying... Now for Saturday machine art and be ever so thankful that 'Black Friday' is over and done with. Just wait until January when the credit card bills come racing through the USPS and delivered right to your doorstep. Yee-Haw!

hell in a handbasket -

antlers -

hacienda -

in hi def -

reflection -

way back when, I knew a guy name of 'Fuentes' and he was Mexican by heritage. damn proud Mexican at that. so some buzzkill is out to discredit the name of Fuentes? claiming to be white? I suppose that whatever yanks your chain these days... 😷

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