Monday, October 24, 2022

Xey Wins In A Landslide

 Communist China held an election for their 'Supreme Leader' and the election was a landslide victory for Xey PingPong. Gosh is that about a surprise or...not. It is a given that PingPong was the only candidate to run. I suppose that 'run' is a bit misleading. Communist China doesn't allow any other candidate to 'run' but Xey PingPong. To further emphasize PingPong's appeal to the Chinese Commies, a former Chinese Commie leader was escorted out of China's Communist Election Central by unnamed and heavily armed former leader escorts. Former Communist China's 'Supreme Leader' is now being held in parts unknown China. Day after tomorrow, an announcement will herald the former 'Supreme Leader' has suddenly cacked. Communist China's former 'Supreme Leader' was named Hugh JingTingy or something like that. Dang Commie Chinese have some worlds of curiously odd names. Surnames and forenames. How a come no one ever hears word one about Commie Chinese foreskins? Probably on account of no one would give a shit less hearing about foreskins from any dang 'supreme leader'. Did you know that former first bitch Melanoma Trump has a collection of 'supreme leader' foreskins? Well, she certainly does and not even the Secret Service likes to make mention of that little tidbit. That's probably a criminally aberrant collection. No doubt. Anyway, Xey PingPong is Communist China's 'Supreme Leader For Life' and don't expect any sudden changes and not any time soon. Now for that regularly scheduled Monday machine art. 

jazz note -

holo costs -

Che -

Fidel -

the problem with discussing anything Chinese...45 minutes later you'll need another discussion. 😆

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