Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Called It Stormy Monday But...Tuesday Is Just As Bad

 SCOTUS holds court on their second day of October 2022. Be afraid...be very afraid. No nuclear exchanges happened Monday and that's probably a good thing. I'm not certain that Americans should be worried about the Supreme Court being in session. However and that being said...the loopy freaks ARE in session and there is so much to worry over. Anyway, today is N.B.A.. That means 'nothing but art'. Here we go...

collide -

weaving -

welcome to the camp -

not 1955 -

x mark -

sigmund -

I'm pretty certain that Election Day happens in exactly one month from today. give or take a day or so. go to you local polling place and vote. vote like your very life depended on it. your vote just might be that important. 😑

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