Sunday, July 10, 2022

Recycled Water

 Recycled water is about all that's left for humans in the great American West to drink and to bath in and to make that morning coffee. The sewer is where flushed water goes and bath water and all that 'house water' ends up at a water reclamation plant somewhere in/on/or/around the outskirts of your happy and friendly neighborhood. City water reclamation plants tend to emit the most gawdawful and stankin' odors known to the modern human. Especially so on any damn hot summer afternoon. The rank details we can leave for another day. The great epochal drought of the early twenty first century is one for the books. Record books AND some future historian to write books about after the people kicking sand at present are dead and long gone. Long long gone. Won't be too very long given the rate of ignorant denial most folk are living in as the month of July winds to a hot and sizzling hot closure. Water and that's to include any and all water will have to be recycled and then recycled again and then again and then...bottom line would be, you WILL drink that pee water along with the poo water that floats your business and you won't have to like the idea. Don't drink the water. Won't really matter much. Given the amount of thirst that will be ominously contagious, you'll drink that water. Recycled water as all the naturally occurring water won't be occurring. Nope, not at all. The great American West is in a drought that shows no sign of relenting. You can thank the grievously wrong American politicians. Global warming is for real. Climate change is for real. So grab a cup of fresh pee pee juice and have a swig. The future is now. Now for some blessed and Sunday machine art. I think I need a drink of something wet...

etch -

what -

palatial -

did you know that the astronauts aboard the ISS drink recycled waste water each and every day they're in space. almost leaves one having a second thought about space travel. 😝

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